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  1. MonaLisa1992

    hard of hearing and social skills

    I am so glad someone has the same problem as me! I grew up oral and with more hearing than I have now, so everything feels difficult- signing and speaking. My sign because I picked it up and am in the process of learning it so late. Sent from my iPhone using AllDeaf
  2. MonaLisa1992

    How are you feeling today?....

    I've been researching them. But good to know! Just expensive. Is what it is and I've been given a visual blood pressure cuff to borrow from my work so I'm pretty happy with how lucky I am to use that. It'll work out! Just frustrating sometimes. Sent from my iPhone using AllDeaf
  3. MonaLisa1992

    New hearing aids

    Sweet! That's always like a Christmas morning feeling. :) Go bold with your molds! I loved having glitter, and I love color, but I've never had sensitive ears, so I don't have experience with the hypoallergenic kinds.
  4. MonaLisa1992

    If you had a dream job, what would it be?

    I want to raise chickens and grow hay! But I want to pursue an agricultural business degree to do that. And get some experience. As for night owl behavior- I work graves at a nursing home right now, so I'm typically on here late.
  5. MonaLisa1992

    How are you feeling today?....

    Frustrated. I'm the fastest to finish my tests in my Nursing Assistant class, first to volunteer, I have all my homework for the next week and a half finished... But I feel like I'm trying to stay ahead to compensate for the fact that I'm required to be tested on my skills that involve hearing...
  6. MonaLisa1992

    Are there any nurse's here that are hoh/deaf?

    I don't mean to dig up this thread, but I have a question- I am pursuing my CNA in the state of Utah, and in my classes I am required to take 50 vital signs before I take my test- and, in my skills test, I am required to do tasks in taking vital signs that use a stethoscope. From what my...
  7. MonaLisa1992

    Deaf bros hook me up!

    He's probably just a troll. Let it die?
  8. MonaLisa1992

    Buying aids

    Are you seeing an audiologist or a hearing aid specialist? You ideally should meet with an audi to get a better assessment.
  9. MonaLisa1992

    I got BTE !!

    I ride horses and work on a farm... I need something that will hold up to my life lol. I know what you mean.
  10. MonaLisa1992

    I got BTE !!

    I see what you did there.
  11. MonaLisa1992

    do you know what caused you to not hear?

    I won the genetics! Underdeveloped ears and a crapload of ear infections.
  12. MonaLisa1992

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    Me too! I had really good eyesight until it started going out, too. My sense of smell has always been really good.
  13. MonaLisa1992

    Hearing girl looking for deaf friends to practice ASL with

    Welcome! Hope you enjoy the forum! I don't really know what I'm doing either but we learn!
  14. MonaLisa1992

    New hearing aids! Yay!

    Cool! Baby ears club! I love your bte color
  15. MonaLisa1992

    New hearing aids! Yay!

    I almost got them in black! But I saw the transparent options and thought they were super cool. How do you like yours?
  16. MonaLisa1992

    New hearing aids! Yay!

    Thanks! They are small... Underdeveloped due to my fantastic genetics, lol.
  17. MonaLisa1992


    Welcome! Sounds like you're pretty dedicated to learning. Good!
  18. MonaLisa1992

    Hearing, learning, meeting, and greeting!

    They did the same thing when I was growing up- having us learn songs in ASL. Have you ever seen the video of the ASL college girl signing 'F You' by Cee Lo? It cracks me up, I love it :) As for social work, kudos to you. I work with a lot of kids who use social workers and it's a profession...
  19. MonaLisa1992

    New hearing aids! Yay!

    Thanks! If you've got it flaunt it!
  20. MonaLisa1992

    Funny Gifs/Pics

    And a link if that didn't go through...