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  1. D

    Stem cell available in Kansas City

    Have you seen my blog yet? All your answers are already mentioned there. Genes already proven to work and improve 40+ db of hearing. However stem cells are way safer and if they work for me, I have no interest in genes. The cost of...
  2. D

    Stem cell available in Kansas City

    flypig, please see my reply to you above. Do you have instant messenger? Id love to discuss stem cells more. Also there's plenty of information in my blog. A deaf dude's life
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    Stem cell available in Kansas City

    I didn't know about stem cells till mid 2008. Stem cells today are treating many different diseases. Not sure if it can help with AIDS yet. Stem cells does not use viruses(which themselves can be dangerous) all that needs to be done is inject ~20 million stem cells by IV in arm. A small...
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    Another CI failure story. No improvement in speech!

    Why did you read this thread then? :roll: Wow, how did I know you were going to post there soon? souggy, there are no issues except that people get mad at me for posting stories of CI failures. How is it my fault that CI isn't 100% guaranteed to be a success? I have the right to post both...
  5. D

    Another CI failure story. No improvement in speech!

    I am not telling people what to do, it's their choice. I have the right to post both pros and cons of CI in order to inform people. CI can help, but CI also may not help. If you don't want to hear anything bad about CI, don't read those threads. I am happy for Miss Kat's amazing CI success.
  6. D

    Very cold!!!!

    I am gonna take a cool shower as im sweating in my bedroom, it's 78 degrees! My parents think everyone wants to be in Florida but ive read that more people are leaving FL than moving in. Maybe ill find a frigid female in whatever state I move to that I can keep warm with cuddles and feeding...
  7. D

    Transitioning from HA to CI... how do you know when you're ready to make the jump?

    I wanted to update you(I previously replied 4 months ago) stem cells is available now, Chloe got it and can hear without HAs! I had known about stem cells since mid 2008 and this was a big reason I stayed with HAs. I knew very little about CI till late 2008 when the audiologist who fitted me...
  8. D

    Another CI failure story. No improvement in speech!

    (Note: if you are very pro-CI and refuse to hear both sides to CI, including any bad results, don't read this thread.) She got CI several years ago. It helped somewhat for environmental sounds but no improvement in speech. Her CI started to malfunction after 5 years with the electrodes...
  9. D

    Some babies born deaf aren't deaf after all! Don't rush CI!

    This is a great thread worth reading. Can the CI centers tell if you have auditory neuropathy or retocochlear disorder and would not benefit from CI? On another note, do they ever mix up monosyllabic word with sentence speech recognition? The FDA's guidelines are 20% monosyllabic word and 50%...
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    Expert: we’ll be marrying robots by 2050

    im 27 and have already tried dating websites. 90% don't even respond to emails. Those women get like 20 emails a day from men, I can't compete with that. Also, I won't date just any woman, I have requirements/standards. As ive said before, I think robots(that usually look just like humans)...
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    How Far Can 'Medical Tourism' Go?

    The Futurist: How Far Can 'Medical Tourism' Go? Great article illustrating how overpriced and behind America healthcare is. :aw:
  12. D

    Robots/machines to build houses in 5-10 years!

    Caterpillar Inc. Funds Viterbi 'Print-a-House' Construction Technology USC - Viterbi School of Engineering - Caterpillar Inc. Funds Viterbi 'Print-a-House' Construction Technology 3D printer for printing houses. Uses less materials than other construction techniques. Videos from a few...
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    Men, how do you turn on your lady?

    It's way too easy for men to be turned on, but not much turns on women. Explain further in the thread your choice of vote.
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    Expert: we’ll be marrying robots by 2050

    Phony? I might agree there. Sick? How so, especially if for nonsexual purposes? You can program or "train" the robot to understand you. Not everyone has luck finding another human to be in a relationship, I for one don't.
  15. D


    There's very few places other than the south pole that even gets this cold in actual temps. Your flesh will freeze in seconds as youve shown. Your lungs will freeze if you breath -70f air without heating it. Youd need to be inside a space suit with a heater pack to stay warm enough not to become...
  16. D

    Stem cell available in Kansas City

    I do, read around and youll see too. They are bashing stem cells and saying it won't work. Also their response to me getting stem cells is negetive, such as "I don't think it'll work, you are wasting your money." "Why do you want stem cells? Accept your deafness" "stem cells is wrong and bad...
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    Wow -70f? I would die in a minute with such insane cold! I might be able to survive wearing a spacesuit with a heater attached to the back. This is how astronauts keep warm and alive on the moon! I would never live anywhere that gets colder than -10f because I do not want to risk my life. What...
  18. D

    Very cold!!!!

    It's warmer than that in my bedroom with the a/c running on and off and on. It's easy to keep my parent's house warm(without heat) but a problem keeping it cool. Glad that south FL is working out for you. Once I save up the money, im moving north.
  19. D

    Stem cell available in Kansas City

    Do you have any audiograms you can scan? Do you know what types of speech tests they gave you? Were they saying single words or sentences? Cochlear Implants: Frequently Asked Questions: Health Topics: University of Iowa Health Care If a person does not understand 40 percent of sentence...
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    It never gets frigid down here in south FL, but it's often too warm :( I would never live anywhere that gets to -20. My parents lived in Toronto and hated the winters even there! Gimmie 60 degrees :)