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  1. D

    I would (blank) the person above me.

    I would cuddle and feed lots of chocolate to the person above me.
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    Taunton second-grader suspended over drawing of Jesus

    Times change and robots will be useful technology.
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    Expert: we’ll be marrying robots by 2050

    Humans Marrying Robots? A Q&A with David Levy: Scientific American Will you one day marry a robot? - Technology Trends 10 Reasons I'd Rather Marry a Robot 10 reasons to marry a robot. Lots of good comments. Dirty old man with a "beautiful" robogirl. Humans will love, marry...
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    Taunton second-grader suspended over drawing of Jesus

    Sue the schools till they learn! I see a future of home schooling with robots for teachers.
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    My thoughts one week prior to activation

    Glad to hear your expectations are realistic. I also read your other post where you can see both sides to CI, including the risks. Many people get mad at me when I mention CI actually has some risks and possibilities of a negative outcome. They are very biased and only see the positives...
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    Men, how do you turn on your lady?

    That will get you slapped. I never touch breasts as im not a perv. Women find it a huge turnoff if men even so much as look at breasts. Thanks for voting in the poll. All of those options are nonperverted and are known to turn women on. Ladies, speak up and let us know which options in the...
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    100-Year-Old Sex Offender About to Go Free

    Great minds think alike! I had the exact same thoughts as you! I am glad I don't have those sick, disgusting sexual desires and am not a perv. I really hope there is a cure to eliminate sexual desires or at the least identify those perverts before they perform a crime and isolate them. They can...
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    Robots/machines to build houses in 5-10 years!

    Let me say to those who are rich and can afford a custom built(or any) house by humans, good for you. Many of us are on a budget and a machine made house fits our budget. Look at cars, most of them are made by machines and no one is complaining. The high end cars are built by humans and can cost...
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    I disagree with this CI surgeon predicting stem cells in 15 years - View Single Post - Stem cell available in Kansas City My post in the above thread addressed alot of good points regarding HAs, CI and stem cells. I wish to address additional points in a new thread and discuss them among you guys. Let's please have a civil, open mind discussion...
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    Anything on stem cells - View Single Post - Stem cell available in Kansas City Lots of good points in that post. I do disagree about that CI surgeon saying itll take 15 years and not be better than CI. Look at Chloe's success!
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    CIs, hearing restoration, oh my!

    Hi, can you share your recent audiograms? Hearing at 10-15db is amazing for your level of hearing loss. Have you also taken any recent speech comphrension tests? As for the long term risks of stem cells, the center that treated Chloe said stem cells is safe for long term. But I understand why...
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    Very cold!!!!

    Maybe ill find a frigid female in whatever state I move to that I can keep warm with cuddles and feeding her chocolate with hot chocolate milk. Yummy! Can you help me find a cuddly female? :D
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    Wow! One year on AllDeaf!!!

    Hello to an awsome dude! *hands you beer*
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    100-Year-Old Sex Offender About to Go Free

    Why are you defending perverts, pedophiles and chainsaw killers? How did he only get 4 years for double murder? He should get life in prison! They may have served their time but they are still mentally ill.
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    Degrees of hearing loss and speech scores!

    Here is an example of CI speech scores. I found this on the internet while researching the average CI performance on a Google search. CI(link) matches HA with 80db HL This person has normal hearing(15db HL) to 1500Hz then drops off...
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    Stem cell available in Kansas City

    Youve been showing me star CI results(95......98, 99, 100% speech) The average factors in the bad CI results as well, not only the good, better and best. When you can't hear the highs due to having no residual hearing in those frequencies, it becomes a moot point. Any amount of gains in the...
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    Stem cell available in Kansas City

    He also scored 58% on monosyllabic words. Here, he says average(link) is 30%. Ive read around and the average is 50% or so. FDA requires you to be at 20% or less for monosyllabic words(50% for sentences) Her test was NU-CHIPS picture identification word lists(close set choice of 4) but open...
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    Holy Cow!

    For the atheists, it's coincidental as any shape can appear. divine bovine sounds catchy!
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    Another CI failure story. No improvement in speech!

    I am not going to argue with any of you. I did warn you that if you are biased, this thread would make you mad. I just wanted to provide perspective that CI is excellent for some(well, most) but a disaster for some as well. Let's put our pro-ci bias aside and see both sides of the fence. You...
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    Stem cell available in Kansas City

    Thanks for the answer, I now understand why you don't want stem cells. I thought it was a cost issue and was correct. Still have more questions, including why you would consider CI(even for free) seeing you hear better with HAs than most hear with CI as ive said over and over. Please see the...