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  1. B

    Can you take some money from SSI and put them on a seperate debit card?

    What Crazy Paul said. Direct deposit is by far the safer way to go. In fact I thought all government payments now were only made by direct deposit.
  2. B

    'Hearie' and 'Deafie'...offensive??

    No one is saying you can't. Some are saying they don't care for the terms. Taking the hearing/deaf part out of it: some people are offended being called "shorty," "fatty," "skinny bones," "tall boy," etc., and some people use nicknames like that to describe themselves. We all have different...
  3. B

    'Hearie' and 'Deafie'...offensive??

    Beautifully written and heart-felt post.
  4. B

    Re: video of child crying while CI activated

    And greetings to your selves, too. :wave:
  5. B

    Re: video of child crying while CI activated

    We are not amused. :lol: (Well, really we are. Easily so.)
  6. B

    'Hearie' and 'Deafie'...offensive??

    I like that, "deafies," "hearies," and "techies." Let's see if we can start a trend!
  7. B

    ABC Family app on your iPhone and iPad includes CC

    But not on the Nook Tablet??? (Making a sad face here...)
  8. B

    plastic surgery and relationship

    So if the person isn't naturally beautiful, you wouldn't marry them?? I dunno, I can't imagine marrying someone without having discussed most important things in my past, and I wouldn't hide plastic surgery if I had had it, but it would creep me out if my dearly beloved said something like "oh...
  9. B

    'Hearie' and 'Deafie'...offensive??

    That's how I feel too. It's not so simple to describe one's self as a "hearie" or "deafie" if someone is in that huge middle ground of using technology in order to hear. If someone identifies one way or the other and wants to call themselves one of those names, I've got no problem with it...
  10. B

    'Hearie' and 'Deafie'...offensive??

    Eew. TMI!!
  11. B

    'Hearie' and 'Deafie'...offensive??

    NOW we're getting personal!
  12. B

    KristinaB's Garage Conversion

    I guarantee you that you will be glad to have that space for all your projects. Not a bad plan at all.
  13. B

    'Hearie' and 'Deafie'...offensive??

    I never heard the terms before coming here to AD. I understand that most don't find them offensive, so I wouldn't make an issue of it, but personally, I don't care for the terms.
  14. B

    KristinaB's Garage Conversion

    Ah, honey, don't give up! Building a house is always stressful. We went through a lot of aggravation when we had our beach house built. For a while it seemed like one thing after another, but *finally* it was finished and we have been enjoying it for 7 years now. Honestly that enclosed...
  15. B

    Calif. woman killed by cannonball fired by husband

    Good Lord. What a bloomin' idiot. So is this "manslaughter" or "negligent homicide?"
  16. B

    Re: video of child crying while CI activated

    And who can help you, Jiro? Please don't tell me you haven't noticed any harassment, here on AD, of parents who chose CIs for their young children. Of adults like drphil. You are claiming you can predict with certainty that this child will be just as frustrated as "we" have been. Is this...
  17. B

    Just a quick question

    I learned several foreign languages over the course of my career, and it was always a break-through moment when I started dreaming in the new language. Probably would be just the same for ASL.
  18. B

    my cheapo organization...

    My question: given that it is difficult to find a terp with the appropriate medical terminology, how likely is it that the average deaf patient would fully understand the terp? I'm wondering if tablet computers with voice recognition might not be a good supplement. Then the patient can read...
  19. B

    Just a quick question

    I would guess it makes a difference if someone still uses technology (hearing aids or CIs). I began to lose my hearing as an adult, and the loss is now at the severe or profound level for most frequencies. However, I use hearing aids and communicate by voice and hearing for face-to-face...
  20. B

    What did you learn today? Part II

    Eww! I hope not under emergency circumstances!