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    Dog Overboard: Ocean Institute Staffers Rescue Drowning Deaf Pooch

    Aw. Good work on everyone's part to save this pooch.
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    7 year old girl abducted from my sisters apartment complex!( Updated 12.5.11)

    I'd like to say I feel bad for him - but I don't. I feel sorry for his family, if they cared about him at all. I don't know how a 20 year old gets as depraved as he was, to rape and torture and kill a little girl. Who knows if he committed suicide due to being overwhelmed by guilt, or horror...
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    What are you thinking about? Part V

    Interesting. I had read that if you want to keep good mobility in your hands and fingers, it's good to keep using them, as in playing the piano, or doing crafts, or (I suppose) even using sign language. The article I read was more in conjunction with knitting and crochet and how to keep doing...
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    Baby Ava

    Yes, it does, thanks. Interesting that I picked up that there was something different about those particular signs, but I couldn't figure out (without the use of the captions, that is) which signs belonged to which people.
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    What are you thinking about? Part V

    My new niece-in-law-to-be (NILTB)and a couple of my Facebook friends absolutely love it. My NILTB is a very crafty young woman -in the best sense of that term - and is always posting pics of the new projects she has made from Pinterest. I've looked at a few things on it but so far don't have...
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    Baby Ava

    Ok, thanks. Guess I was close to figuring it out, but never would have known without the captions and your help. The name signs look very similar to me. I will watch again and see if I can focus on the differences.
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    "gold digger" being overused.

    True - but it's a lot easier to fall in love and make that commitment to someone who is roughly your equal in education, attainment, life goals, and so on. I was reading an article just the other day about how women used to want to "marry up," to marry someone who was a step or two above them...
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    I love Betty White

    Did anyone catch the program "Off Their Rockers" that she is hosting? It came on right after the birthday tribute. I laughed so hard. It took me back to the days of "Candid Camera" and similar shows, when "reality tv" (although it wasn't called that, back then) was funny without being...
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    Baby Ava

    She does it several times. I think now it might be a reference to " Uncle Matt" or " Andy." Watch at :05, again at :45, at :58, at 1:06 - 1:12, at 1:30, and at 3:15. The one at :45 seems to be Uncle Matt, but at 1:30 and at 3:15 it seems to be Andy. So maybe it means "man" and there is...
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    FDA approved - Cord blood stem cells to treat nerve deafness in children

    If I were a young woman having babies today, I would definitely choose to have my babies' cord blood stored. There are so many applications for it now, and no doubt will be more, even in the very near future.
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    I love Betty White

    Yes. Today is actually her birthday. She has been in show business for 63 years.
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    Hooray! FCC Releases Television IP Captioning Rules

    Yay! This is a done deal now, not just suggested?
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    Baby Ava

    Um, so, can anyone who is an expert in ASL or BSL tell me what sign Baby Ava was making with that pinching gesture? Most of the others were easy to figure out. Like "baby," " cold," " tummy" and so on, but that one where she had her hand to her head and sort of pinched I couldn't decipher.
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    I love Betty White

    Fabulous show tonight. I loved it. The old clips, some going back to the early 1950's, were so great. Years ago, I think when The Golden Girls was on, my mom told me that my dad used to have quite the crush on her when she was a young actress. My dad has been gone now for almost 55 years...
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    it disrespectful to boyfriend? girlfriend go out party one night with friend

    Ick, ick, ick! She needs to dump that idiot. That kind of behavior never gets better.
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    it disrespectful to boyfriend? girlfriend go out party one night with friend

    Boyfriend sounds kinda creepy, frankly. Personally I would not be staying with any guy who got his knickers in a twist because I went out for a night with a long-time friend, but then I also would not be drinking or smoking pot either.
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    Question for those who have been married many, many years

    Aha! Well, there you go then. I think these little crushes always bear thinking about for what they are telling us about ourselves. Adjusting your hormone levels can certainly wake up certain dormant feelings that maybe you thought had disappeared forever.
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    Here for my son :)

    Hi and welcome. What part of Florida? There are a couple people here from Florida; hope they will stop by. What are you considering for your son? Are hearing aids or CIs an option? Most people here will tell you to get started with ASL right away no matter what else you do.
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    Dad update

    OB, just wanted to chime in here and let you know I'm thinking of you and will be praying for you and your family. I hope your dad does go to hospice and hope he will find a gentle support there. When my brother was dying 20 years ago, he spent the last two months or so of his life in...