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  1. Eddie Jay

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    This has absolutely nothing to do with this thread. Then again...... It does, in a weird about way. Is it legal in here to request VP Chat?
  2. Eddie Jay


    I know this probably a long shot, especially that this may be pushing the envelope, or perhaps already broke protocol in this forum. What have I got to lose? My dignity? My pride? My mind? Is there anyone out there willing to communicate via VP? Just as friends. If you don't like me. Block me...
  3. Eddie Jay

    What does "oral deaf" actually mean?

    I'm located in the Tacoma area, South of Seattle. There's a deaf picnic in Tacoma at an elementary school today (Friday). Heading out today to check it out.
  4. Eddie Jay

    What does "oral deaf" actually mean?

    13 is my lucky number...... :)
  5. Eddie Jay

    What does "oral deaf" actually mean?

    I haven't been to one here yet. Recently moved here in Washington. Planning on attending a picnic on Friday. Should be fun.
  6. Eddie Jay

    What does "oral deaf" actually mean?

    Right there with ya. I have one deaf friend and a dozen hearing friends in the social world. I don't bother with social media, with the exception this is a forum (hint hint). As far as being an oral deafie, it would be nice to feel normal, instead of, "in the bubble".
  7. Eddie Jay

    What does "oral deaf" actually mean?

    Wow. I'm 47 years old. I'm reading your forum on oral deaf. I've never heard of that deaf expression and to think there was something wrong with me all these years. I was forced to talk. Grew up in a Catholic church. Went to a Catholic school with no interpreters. If I didn't want to go, there...
  8. Eddie Jay

    Is coda really cool ?

    Yes. CODAs are extremely cool! Take it from me. I'm deaf, I talk like a normal person, most people don't believe me, because I lip read and respond. Downfall would be that I can't hear. CODA has the luxury of it all, even pulling off being deaf...... Damn straight CODAs are cool!
  9. Eddie Jay

    Stupid comments

    Interesting is an understatement.....I wouldn't know where to begin....... Thanks for welcoming.
  10. Eddie Jay

    Stupid comments

    Now that, I definitely will do! Especially if they ask if I can ride a motorcycle. Mr. Bean act! So stealing this idea! Thanks!
  11. Eddie Jay

    Stupid comments

    I don't know if I agree with the generation statement. History sure has a funny way of repeating itself. Just three months ago, my ex fiance and I were walking across the street. I said, There goes the train. She replied, "You can hear the train?" I pointed to the train going by.......
  12. Eddie Jay

    In honor of our military men and women whom served, died, and fought for our freedom for those...

    In honor of our military men and women whom served, died, and fought for our freedom for those who couldn't. I wasn't there, but I do care.
  13. Eddie Jay


    Not trying to put a damper on anyone's spirit of learning ASL. To each and it's own on how influential and dedicated they are as an individual, taking up a foreign language, such as ASL. Kudos to those who learn and it's a rarity to see one would advance in the language, to become one in the...
  14. Eddie Jay

    As the saying goes, "You live and learn, at least you lived." I should've learned the first...

    As the saying goes, "You live and learn, at least you lived." I should've learned the first time, when I quit, not to quit again my 2nd time
  15. Eddie Jay

    "Quitting cold turkey". This is my 2nd time. It feels like a fucking withdrawal from hell...

    "Quitting cold turkey". This is my 2nd time. It feels like a fucking withdrawal from hell. Fingers tingling and a lump in my throat! Crazy!
  16. Eddie Jay

    I began a teenage smoker by 1985, quit 10 years later. By 2010, I began again. Today marks day...

    I began a teenage smoker by 1985, quit 10 years later. By 2010, I began again. Today marks day 3. I've forgotten what it felt like quitting!
  17. Eddie Jay

    8 Interview Questions You Might Not Know Are Illegal

    Too bad "Do you have any children?" wasn't on the list......
  18. Eddie Jay

    Anyone have any reviews on roommates: deaf vs deaf?

    I've often wondered what it would be like to have another deafie roomie. I'm so used to having hearing people around me, but never tried nor took advantage that it would a lot easier, to do so. Any stories to share, advice, suggestions, or anyone looking for a deaf roommate in the Seattle area?
  19. Eddie Jay

    Are you deaf & dating a hearing person?

    I'm deaf and I'd rather date a hearing girl, only if she was fluent in ASL. I just got out of a year relationship with a woman who claimed she'd learn. I only learned one thing. She was manipulative. If we clicked and you signed, I don't see why it wouldn't work, just as long as the chemistry is...