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  1. C

    Thin Skinned President

  2. C

    Obama's day at the beach (Louisiana Beach)

    And that is true definition of a shithead.
  3. C

    Obama Not Acting Like A "Real Black" President

    I have yet to read here how "a real black president" would act. Enlighten me?
  4. C

    What are you thinking about? Part II

    Pig in the pit means PARTY! Stay awake now Beowulf,gotta feed the fire.
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    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    I'm scared too. I've started to lose clear speech myself. I'll say something and catch myself mispronouncing sounds. This is scary for me (terrifying actually). My response to this so far has been to curtail speaking,thus,curtail interaction with others. I've painted myself into a box and I...
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    Blue Angels

    Your pics are great! I live in Goose Creek and while I didn't see this airshow,I've heard about the controversy it caused. Some were saying that they flew UNDER the Ravenel Bridge. I really don't think they did,it was just an optical illusion. Anyway,:wave: from Goose Creek.
  7. C

    HOH/Deaf and Social Anxiety

    My usual method is to seek out the kids and engage them in a game of some sort. Kids are easier to communicate with and more open to understanding. Plus,I really like kids.
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    HOH/Deaf and Social Anxiety

    People I have known for quite awhile. I have been the one carrying the full load of trying to communicate and it's just gotten too heavy. I get SOOO tired. I do have courage...not much patience left though. I want my family and friends to get their act together and work WITH me. Is that too much...
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    HOH/Deaf and Social Anxiety

    Kinda like a queen bee,huh? That could be a solution,lord knows the "nod and smile" ain't working too well anymore. :laugh2:
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    HOH/Deaf and Social Anxiety

    How do you deal? I'm HOH,have been for many years. My hearing has declined and my lip reading is just not cutting it anymore. How do you function in a group social environment? I've got a barbecue coming up tomorrow and would like some tips. I'm tired of declining invites for fear of not being...
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    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    :wave: I have congenital hearing loss. My loss was explained to me as bilateral cookie bite loss. The profiles of my audio-grams match almost perfectly. At mid range shows profound loss in both ears. I hear thunder...I hear sirens...anything in between is iffy. That includes most all speech and...
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    Hi,I found AD in my google quest to find an online captioned version of an episode of Lost that I missed. I have had no success with finding the show yet but this site seems interesting. I'm HOH,congenital cookie bite loss. It is a trait handed down through my mother's side of the family. I am...
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    What's your dinner tonight?

    Hamburger steaks with onions,baked potatoes,green salad and rolls. My hubbies favorite meal. Gotta keep the man happy you know.:giggle:
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    What Books Have You Recently Purchased?

    This is my most recent purchase too. Bought 2nd hand at Goodwill for .99. Really good read,dark tale with very interesting writing style. I'm now on the look out for others written by McCarthy.
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    On a scale of 1 to 10...

    I started using CC back in the 90's too and while has gotten more accurate and more prevalent it is still pretty much hit and miss. My biggest peeve is with my local news programs. Captioning is terrible even sometimes absurdly funny and they don't caption weather at all.
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    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    Denture wearers who attempt to talk to me without their dentures in. That's a guaranteed conversation fail.