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  1. T

    Pros and cons of Oralism??

    After I first found out that my daughter was deaf, I started looking around into different services and programs in our area. A few times I ran into groups or people that were for oral only. Back then I had wondered about the pros and cons of it, but never really got into it. But after looking...
  2. T

    New here: single mom of deaf toddler w/ CI in Colorado

    Yeah I know :) But their dad's name is Taro, and I knew from our 2nd date that if he had a son he wanted him to have the same name. And well, after naming your first child Taro instead of something like Michael, you just can't go back to normal names :)
  3. T

    decision on 2nd implant

    I'm new here, so I hope yo don't mind my input. My daughter has just the one CI on her right side, but no benefit from ha's on the left. After we see how it she does with the CI then might start deciding on a 2nd or not. But her little friend has both CI and ha. She's rapidly losing...
  4. T

    Speech Language and ASL (CI Users)

    I'm going off my experience with my daughter getting a CI. She is already learning to use speech. She says "up", and she says "mmmm" for milk, and a hard "P" sound for soda pop or popcorn. She was always very vocal, even before the CI. But now it is more directed, more purposeful. We still...
  5. T

    New here: single mom of deaf toddler w/ CI in Colorado

    Hey all! My name is Heather, I'm a single mom of three kids. My son Taro is 5. My daughters, Anwyn is 4, and Alaurial is 2. We live in Denver. Alaurial began to lose her hearing around 4 months old. When she had a hearing test around 10mos I was told that she has profound hearing loss. She...