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  1. FadedRose

    Embarassing lip reading moments!

    Had a great chuckle reading the other lip reading stories gone awry! :) keep it going! I've gotta get back to bed-it's 3 am here. :) later!
  2. FadedRose

    Are deaf kids bullied/harrassed more frequently than hearing kids in mainstream?

    I agree that it is a form of child abuse, at least emotional abuse. I was forbidden from signing in school and if I did I'd be punished. I did go a public school but we had an all Deaf class room. The other students and I were forced to use our voice, no using hands or writing back and forth. It...
  3. FadedRose

    Are deaf kids bullied/harrassed more frequently than hearing kids in mainstream?

    I'm surprised at the response I got! I'm equally surprised by the therapy suggestion. I'm very happy with my life as it is and find my solitude to be comforting. It's all I've ever known. I am married with a hearing husband and have my family. To me that is all I need. Sure it'd be nice to have...
  4. FadedRose

    What kind of animals do you have?

    We have one lazy ole' basset hound we got from a rescue group when she was 2. She's now around 7 years old. I also have a pit bull that I found on the side of the road dumped in the country in the middle of god knows where at only 8 weeks of age. She had parvo and died on me at work. CPR was...
  5. FadedRose

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    I appreciate the compliments-although that was why I posted the picture. It was the best one I could find on my computer that actually showed the deviation of the septum since I tend to pose side ways to hide it in most of my pictures. Southpaw I plan to get a revision rhinoplasty in the future...
  6. FadedRose

    Embarassing lip reading moments!

    I figured I'd start a thread on this since I had one particular embarrassing one today this morning. Well, I went to work this morning and saw a co-worker who appeared to have a "new" tattoo in the shape of a heart on his arm. Curious about the tattoo which in question was black I said " I...
  7. FadedRose

    How are you feeling today?....

    Too wired to sleep... it's 3:06 AM and I'm WIDE AWAKE. It's horrible! This tends to happen sometimes when I'm due to go back to work after a few days off for some reason.
  8. FadedRose

    Pitbull Save owner from Being Hit by Train!!

    Poor dog! I'm surprised that the dog survived at all considering what it was hit by. It's nice to see a positive story on pitbulls for a change. :) They are wonderful dogs if raised right.
  9. FadedRose

    Which Dog Food?

    I feed natures recipie to my girls-it's an all natural organic food. Although expensive, it's not as expensive as blue buffalo. I used to feed pedigree because it was cheap but saw a big change in coat condition, stool and energy levels for both of my girls-all were positive. I would recommend...
  10. FadedRose

    Parrot Needs Deaf Owner

    I'd take Jack if I didn't have a pit bull in a heart beat. I had a red bellied african parrot several years ago that I got from a breeder and hand fed him with baby parrot food. The little guy was with me from the time he hatched pretty much but got sick around 8 years of age and I had to put...
  11. FadedRose

    What's your dream musical instrument?

    An Electric Violin. :)
  12. FadedRose

    Calling All Deaf Musicians!

    YES. Here's me. Piano.
  13. FadedRose

    Upcoming Performance

    I write music and play the piano too :) here's my page:
  14. FadedRose

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    My nose-as you can see it doesn't quite look right on me ( I think ) you can see that it's deviated if you look close. At the bridge you will see where he took out what used to be there-it wasn't a hump persay but for reference it was the same shape and size as lady gaga's you can see that by...
  15. FadedRose

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    I have never heard of that syndrome but will google it!:wave:
  16. FadedRose

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    I have a deviated septum from the result of complications from a rhinoplasty I had when I was 16 due to a broken nose after getting into a fist fight with a girl who was mocking my speech and making fun of me to my face. I couldn't contain my rage and well... got a nose job out of it-I HAD...
  17. FadedRose

    Has anyone read about the Esteem the new invisible implant?

    Yep, I signed up for a package from the esteem but after I saw how much it was and insurance doesn't cover it----forget it.
  18. FadedRose

    WTF Hearing aids are worth more than their weight in than gold!

    I have health insurance but it doesn't cover hearing aids. It's blue cross blue shield PPO. I do agree-if your health insurance covers it go for it!
  19. FadedRose

    WTF Hearing aids are worth more than their weight in than gold!

    Voc rehab told me to get what I wanted or what I thought was best for me. I picked resound but my audio(bitch) convinced me that starkey was better. I regret trusting her since I'd been with her since I was 9 years old. I will be getting resound again when I can afford to. :P
  20. FadedRose

    Meet the man who sells testicular implants for dogs

    :giggle::giggle::giggle: great way to put it....