Search results

  1. FadedRose

    Musicians: How Did You Learn to Keep Time?

    I still have issues with time... it's a work in progress but has been at times difficult to get my instruments all together in sync because I play each part separate as the other part is playing, recording the new track and alot of the times I have to re-do a recording because I lost time...
  2. FadedRose

    Pics of Your Musical Instruments!!!

    audiodef-do you have a band page by any chance? I'm Deaf too and have a small in home studio. :) here's my band page HH | HM. Although far from professional sounding I just brought myself an electronic drum set to hook up to my computer ( I got sick and tired of programming beats and would...
  3. FadedRose

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    Kristina that is just atrocious! I am so sorry hun that you had to put up with that hearing a$$hole! And I thought my experiences with the driving myth concerning the Deaf was horrible. It's nothing compared to yours. I don't know how you didn't burst into tears but if that had been me I would...
  4. FadedRose

    Man who fathered 30 kids says he needs a break—on child support

    I should mention that I sterilized myself 3 years ago at the age of 27...I simply do not wish to have kids and thankfully I was able to use my diagnosis of Lupus as a medical reason to tie them. Although it was used as an excuse just to get them done I did my part to make the world a better...
  5. FadedRose

    Man who fathered 30 kids says he needs a break—on child support

    and people wonder why I'm all for forced sterilization-population control-modern eugenics. no, I'm not barbaric but this proves my point.
  6. FadedRose

    Mass. woman finds baby bird with 2 heads, 3 beaks

    I was just thinking the same thing! please visit click on forums and then go to Japan Crisis. Sift through the BS and use common sense when reading some threads on this website as a whole. :0) I go there for news before it's news...
  7. FadedRose

    The Sculata Tortoise shocker! My father adopted a Sculata Tortoise that is around 11 to 14 years old-over 50lbs. He's 76 years old for crying out loud! Regardless, he loves the darn thing. It is adorable...something I've never seen. A GIANT tortoise roaming his back yard that looks to be a wooden...
  8. FadedRose

    Dog dies From Swallowing Pennies!

    Yes-the pennies can oxidize in the dogs stomach releasing toxins or so I've read. I've seen a dog survive after swallowing several pennies and a few nickles. When they were removed from his stomach they were black in color. Keep change and ROCKS, especially rocks such as gravel out of the...
  9. FadedRose

    Adam's Deaf cat came HOME!!!

    Yay! :) she's a beautiful cat. I love her eyes-they almost look alien like.
  10. FadedRose

    Are you a "night owl"?

    Yep. I abhor the sun....
  11. FadedRose

    Do you have superpowers?

    :) they are directing energy towards these people and they pick up on it-animals too. When you try it-anyone can. It's not about staring or looking "evil". It's what you're sending out that others can pick up that is unrelated to body language. Easiest way to do this is to work on your dog to...
  12. FadedRose

    Do you have superpowers?

    We all do :). Just some of us aren't as aware or do not pay attention. Kudos to making the connection. Sometimes it can be a week or two before an event takes place you dream of and it may not be exactly as it was in the dream-sometimes a dream is more symbolic than based in reality and these...
  13. FadedRose

    Do you have superpowers?

    Well, to kind of clarify it doesn't really work like that persay. At least not for me. I have gotten what I call "flashes", sort of like a second long movie clip but it doesn't happen often. Mostly, I just get bad vibes around someone who doesn't have the best of intentions. I dislike being...
  14. FadedRose

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    :giggle: I'm pretty certain it's all memory. I did this with my husband several days ago as we were ordering food. He's hearing and after placing his order the lady garbled over the speakers " will that complete your order? " or something to that effect. Either he wasn't hearing it or paying...
  15. FadedRose

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    Here's one I wrote on my FB page today- cried for two freaking hours over this "hearie" that really I should have just remained strong over. This is why I don't go through the drive through: my eyes are bloodshot from crying after a horrible experience ordering my food at wendys off of ******...
  16. FadedRose

    What role does music play in your life?

    I'm a Deaf composer-have my own band, protools, a piano among other things. I'm currently revamping my "sound" and writing new songs and getting rid of the old crap. If you want to hear I'll be more than happy to share once I complete them. If you like nine inch nails-you'd like this :)
  17. FadedRose

    Hearing loss and getting/keeping a job.

    from my personal experience it's depressing working period as a Deaf person. You're never promoted, looked over just about as far as moving up the ladder. Been at my place for 12 years and I'm still in the same POS position I was in when I started. Training has been refused and I feel...
  18. FadedRose

    Do you have superpowers?

    :giggle: I wish I could fly too. I know this will sound nutty but I'm known in my family as the psychic one. I cannot predict lottery numbers for the future persay but my father told me that when I was a kid I just knew things that could only have come from being or having whats known as ESP...
  19. FadedRose

    What did you do today? Part II

    I bleached my HAIR! Its white blonde much like Lady Gagas :) I LOVE LOVE IT! Will post pictures on picture thread soon.
  20. FadedRose

    Are deaf kids bullied/harrassed more frequently than hearing kids in mainstream?

    I totally agree! at least for me it's more of a burden than a blessing. I get sick and tired of hearing oh, gosh you speak so well you must be really intelligent! comments. ugh, hearies. :)