Search results

  1. FadedRose

    Petition: Stop killing Deaf dogs

    I would rather have a deaf dog than a hearing one and plan to adopt one when my ole' basset hound passes. A dalmatian it'll be!
  2. FadedRose

    Petition: Stop killing Deaf dogs

    This breaks my heart... Deaf dogs make excellent pets if the owner is willing to learn a few hand signs and work with the dog. We had a Deaf pitbull that came in as a stray several years ago at work and it was the sweetest dog there. Not once did I hear of any of the vets wanting to put the dog...
  3. FadedRose

    What ONE Thing Ticks You Off More...

  4. FadedRose

    What ONE Thing Ticks You Off More...

    being seen as sub-human-without feelings. I'm not blind ya know...
  5. FadedRose

    Work rant!!!

    although they do-in my case it's only if you meet certain income requirements. At least in my state. The only way I got free hearing aids (although it was wrong and my father could have paid for them he's eh..wealthy has five houses and crap..) I used my salary from working part time to qualify...
  6. FadedRose

    What was the most ludicrous question anyone asked you?

    Which one Sjorgrens or Lupus? I was shocked when the blood work came back positive for Sjorgrens-it came back positive after I had a massive flare. It was horrible. I was pretty much "not there". Couldn't drive I was very spaced out, my joints were killing me, I was very very tired and I was...
  7. FadedRose

    Do you have a funny story that involves misunderstand of spoken english

    You're lucky you have a husband that will actually stop and ask you what you thought you heard before getting into heated argument.:giggle: mine doesn't. We go at it like wild cats with one or the other leaving the house. Although I cannot complain... the makeup after* is quite good. :D
  8. FadedRose

    What did you learn today?

    That window tint for your car windows is actually pretty cheap compared to what they used to be in the 1990's. I got mine done today for 86 bucks, just the side windows. 20% illegal of course but my brother is a cop and I'll be just fine. :)
  9. FadedRose

    What was the most ludicrous question anyone asked you?

    I had my tubes tied because I did not want to risk complications from an autoimmune disease I have-I've been diagnosed with Sjorgrens syndrome recently but it's secondary. Doctor thinks it could be Lupus but has thought so for about 4 years now but blood work isn't showing up just yet. We were...
  10. FadedRose

    What was the most ludicrous question anyone asked you?

    Mine wasn't a question it was more or less a statement of horror "you're allowed to drive?!" erm, yes... " Is your husband Deaf too?". This one REALLY makes me angry as if because I am Deaf my husband must be defective too for us to be together. It's how it comes across. When I've told the...
  11. FadedRose

    Do you have a funny story that involves misunderstand of spoken english

    A clown at work said he "was stabbed" had a thick mustache and is from the west so his accent and manner of speaking very rapidly I might add is rather confusing most of the time. He had what looked to be a new tattoo of a small heart on his arm and I inquired about it and that is what I heard...
  12. FadedRose

    What are you doing right now?

    eh, I'm half asleep right now. I don't want to go to bed because well...then I'd wake up just to start my boring day all over again. :)
  13. FadedRose

    How many of us are Musicians?

    yeah...I'm the Deaf version of Nine Inch Nails i.e trent reznor. I do everything myself... no record deal yet. dammit.
  14. FadedRose

    Anyone Else Awesome With Animals?

    Yes.. it's one of the reasons I work at an animal hospital but sadly...not with any of the animals, dogs and cats because of the ignorance there. The kind of hearing that work there. the plus side is I get to see dogs and cats everyday. :) That's about it though.
  15. FadedRose

    Can you tell me about oral successes?

    Oral Success? well..I wouldn't call it a success. To answer your questions I am constantly asked where I'm from. I do have an accent that is not southern since I'm from the southern states and should have a twang to my speech. My speech therapist gave me a Swedish/new york accent. :laugh2: As...
  16. FadedRose

    Questions for the Deaf Community

    How was your childhood? literal paradise overseas, different culture there, in the U.S not so much Where you allowed to pay with others, Deaf and hearing? you obviously mean "play", of course... Do/Did your parents support you in your personal choices? depending on what they were for the...
  17. FadedRose

    Can You Answer a Few Questions For Me?

    1) What is your level of hearing loss? (Hearing/Hard-of-Hearing/deaf/Profoundly deaf) severe to profound 2) How old are you? (17 or younger/18-25/26-35/36-55/56-65/65 and older) 30 3) What is your gender? (Male/Female/Other) female 4) What is your ethnicity? (Caucasian/African...
  18. FadedRose

    What's classed as bad speech discrimination?

    Mine with aids is around 32 to 44% speech discrimination. Without? forget it.
  19. FadedRose

    Born with severe to profound hearing loss; hearing aids only

    I was born severe to profound but was not diagnosed as Deaf until I was 9 years old. Apparently I was very good an compensating for my loss as well as reading body language. I passed the hearing test by reading the testers body language as a child to tell when a sound was being played ( or so I...
  20. FadedRose

    Adam's Deaf cat came HOME!!!

    heh, I went back and looked at the picture of the cat and didn't see any orange and scratched my head. :D my vision is horrible too. It's 20/300 in my left eye in which case I'm very far sighted in and my right eye is 20/40 and I'm near sighted in that one. I have to close my left eye...