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  1. sleepytaz

    Recently moved to Denver

    Hey Sequoias! Good to see u again man! That'd be cool. I'm already aware to an event with dart tournament for the deaf which I plan on attending to. I've met some deafs at a church... has yet to visit this one church which I found more match to my style of learning instead of the same thing...
  2. sleepytaz

    Recently moved to Denver

    Hello all old and new AD peeps! I lived in PA for few years and posted during my stay there. I lived in Orlando, FL for only few months and am now living in Denver, Colorado. Any those who are familiar with Colorado... even Denver... any feedback on jobs and fun things to do? I didn't...
  3. sleepytaz

    Reading a book while walking?

    Amen! lol :) Love those moments in bath tub reading!
  4. sleepytaz

    How do you feel when someone stare at you....

    For Hear Again to understand Aghori's post it was a video of a guy having this weird stare when a man was in the process of sitting down. The guy had this eye on his left eye that looked like it was popping out. Weird staring. Since this post is about staring at people. :) I hope I...
  5. sleepytaz

    Reading a book while walking?

  6. sleepytaz


    64 bottles of beer on the wall. 64 bottles of beer. Time to replenish the bar supply, so we add one. 65 bottles of beers on the wall. giving it a shot :)
  7. sleepytaz

    Reading a book while walking?

    I feel you!
  8. sleepytaz

    Reading a book while walking?

    I've walked while I read at times. When I'm walking on sidewalk that I know very well and I make sure I can see above the book to see where I was going while reading. It's a common sense to be aware of your surrounding while you're zoned in something. Let your daughter read and walk... just...
  9. sleepytaz

    I hurt!

    aww reminds me of when I had a hedgehog... such a sweetheart
  10. sleepytaz

    Should I feel guilty?

    nah... I'm currently looking for another job... additional 2 or 3 maybe... depending. The job I have now isn't enough as it is only a part time.... It's a trying time these days.
  11. sleepytaz

    Do you Like to fly?

    I love flying! Window seat, please! :)
  12. sleepytaz

    Life is confusing

    I agree with this one. Don't focus on the gender of a person. Look into a person thru their personalities and whatever attracts you. Simply put, just BE yourself! :)
  13. sleepytaz

    Post your gas prices

    It is about $3.15-$3.35 here. Can't wait until it is under $3 yay :) Those who has it under $3 already are blessed! :nana:
  14. sleepytaz

    "I heard....."

    I also had the habit of saying "I heard" although I'd prefer other methods. When I come to that habit, I would sign "I heard" on my eye. Good topic though! :)
  15. sleepytaz

    "I heard....."

    Love your icon! lol I watch that show sometimes. Sorry off topic! Getting bk on topic :)
  16. sleepytaz

    106-year-old voter chooses Obama

    Neat stuff :)
  17. sleepytaz

    Get Ready for NFL!

    NFL football? Um, I'll pass and wait til Superbowl ;)