Search results

  1. deafdrummer

    IPRelay -- Sorenson vs. Purple?

    Biker, keep the sarcasm down. I'm in REAL NEED for finding the part I need. I would have to travel 200+ miles roundtrip to find a needed part that allows me to bathe, cook, and keep myself clean, especially since I'm dealing with a foot problem, and now I can't keep them clean. This is a...
  2. deafdrummer

    How do deaf make phone calls in the US?

    Hello? How do you make phone calls to hearing people at businesses and doctor's offices in the United States, since the likes of That's Hamilton and even web-based IP-relay services are gone? I only have a cell phone and computer running off that as a tethered device out in the country with...
  3. deafdrummer

    IPRelay -- Sorenson vs. Purple?

    Please help! I'm trying to find an IP Relay service to use so that I'm not dependent on people making phone calls for me anymore. I need to call an RV shop in the morning so that I drive there to pick up a part for my Thetford TOILET, because I can't use water in my travel trailer, which is MY...
  4. deafdrummer

    A challenge to archaeologists and liguistics

    Well, what does it say? What kind of writing system is it based on?
  5. deafdrummer

    Widex Dream 330

    Well, it seems I have become eligible for hearing aids again, as I am a barback for Sherwood Forest Festival and a farmer at Knopp Branch Farm. I've been cleared to get a pair of these through DARS. Does anyone have experience with these hearing aids, or this type of aid? This has a...
  6. deafdrummer

    Anyone watching the winter olympics?

    Nope... Don't even own a TV. Just waiting on word as to whether there will be a terrorist attack before this entire event is over. Lots of unrest going on in the general area.
  7. deafdrummer

    A challenge to archaeologists and liguistics

    Then you have misread my statement. I am writing as the person who died many thousands of years ago and left behind this writing. You must find a way to determine what this is and what it says. Remember, I'm dead. I can't answer these questions. Let's pretend that this is a seance, and I...
  8. deafdrummer

    A challenge to archaeologists and liguistics

    This is a straight-up challenge to the archaeology and linguistics community. You are an archaeologist under Indiana Jones, and you found this script on a wall in a building buried under sand in the middle of the Sahara Desert. What is it, and what does it say? The author has been dead for...
  9. deafdrummer

    On a farm!

    This has been an interesting year! The ranch I was on was an experience. I BUSTED MY BUTT to do the work on a volunteer basis with NO BENEFITS. I had a LOT of fun there, especially in the heat! The worse part of the day is usually in the morning from 8 to about noon because of the...
  10. deafdrummer

    The new $100 bill

    The Hidden Meanings in the New $100 Bill! Why? The Road to Roota or The Implementation of a New Gold Standard? The Road to Roota Theory These two files below can be found on the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's own web site:
  11. deafdrummer

    Captain Phillips...

    I just saw this movie today with friends. It was the first time I stepped into a movie theatre in 13 years... I did not know they had all this food (though at a ridiculous price), and they had these CC devices that fit in your cup holder. It worked well, except I had to hold it up during the...
  12. deafdrummer

    Vision Problems: monocular polyopia

    Sigh, no. I'm not talking while wearing glasses. I want to know why my eyes are like this unaided.
  13. deafdrummer

    Vision Problems: monocular polyopia

    No headaches. I never get them unless I am sick with a cold or something, which has not happened since February 2012. And I cannot afford a doctor. Unlike a bunch of you, I don't have health insurance, nor can I afford it.
  14. deafdrummer

    Vision Problems: monocular polyopia

    I have a condition in which I see multiple PARTIAL images that looks something like the following photograph: It's particularly bad in one eye, and getting worse in my other eye. I seem to have defective stereoscoptic vision, in that I battle my tendency to shunt the worse eye over to...
  15. deafdrummer

    If you have twin babies by tonight

    WHY?? It's not possible for me, as I don't have the complete part spec for my equipment. Don't have to worry about that. Name them yourself and contribute to the population explosion.
  16. deafdrummer

    doesnt this make you wonder if living longer in 21st century is a good thing??

    It's not a good thing because things are changing too fast, unsustainably. Those of you who are teenagers, I really fear for you, because you will see a massive world war, guaranteed. I'm pretty sure I will, too, even though I'm already 47. It is why I packed up and moved out of Houston. I...
  17. deafdrummer

    Anyone know if Ohio is deaf friendly?

    It's supposed to have one of the largest deaf populations in the country. I had thought of moving up there, but things didn't work out.
  18. deafdrummer

    I can appreciate this It's happening to me more and more, as I left retail, and it appears my speech reception is worsening (most likely because my hearing aids are degrading near their end-of-service life). Someone recently told me her name was Adelaide, and I COULD NOT UNDERSTAND AT...
  19. deafdrummer

    This is what they going to build in Dubai...

    Signs of the times, financial changes underway around the world...
  20. deafdrummer

    I resigned!

    The letter was a matter of formality. I was going to tell him in person. I wanted to anyway. There was no way I was going to walk away without saying something in person, because I needed to. It was very important to me that they understood that I was cutting it off right then and there.