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  1. L

    my implant-not wearing it much

    Hmm - if you're home and no one is around, you can put your hair in a ponytail, put the hook in your hair as if it's hooking on your hair. That should help a little bit. Sounds like you're getting some sort of callus build up. If it doesn't work, you can always get corn thingy to help it heal...
  2. L

    kind of worried about my implant

    To be honest? I would go back and get it replaced with no question about it. The good outweighs the bad, so if my internal implant failed for whatever reason, I would definitely go through surgery again. First - You haven't said when you got the implant. The company name doesn't matter...
  3. L

    t-coil and cell phone question?

    Etalton - your P3 program is called Focus or Beam program :-) I had that since activation, but I rarely use it because I am hardly ever in a situation where I needed it, but it's nice to know that I have it. Once you get used to knowing your programs and stuff, you will become better at...
  4. L

    How accurate is this?

    I agree. If you really want to excute it, you need to download the help file as well, then it will work. I haven't played around with it yet, but I think you need to have a .wav file then it will "change" it somehow.
  5. L

    One side CI...

    DD - being Bilateral DOES make a HUGE differences for many of us. Prove it to us where research says the benefit of having bilateral CI is not a "huge" difference. The one reason WHY people decided to go ahead and do bilateral is because of the fact that it DOES make a huge difference, that's...
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    One side CI...

    As a tinnitus sufferer for many years, I can tell you that CI is a blessing in disguise. I *still* get tinnitus, but only if I have my CI for every waking hour for a couple days straight. I do find that once I take the CI's off, I get tinnitus. I do allow my ears to rest for a couple hours...
  7. L

    Profound hearing loss + hearing aid questions

    As the people stated above, it varies from places to places. I went to a CI audiologist and I got approved that same day. Probably because all the other tests were good, except for the hearing test and sentence discrimination (which was so poor). I lost 10 db in both ears within a couple...
  8. L

    Profound hearing loss + hearing aid questions

    I don't think it actually makes a big difference. Some says it's better because you get better perception on sounds. You can't just try a CI and see the difference. However, I've heard some bilateral have one AB and one Cochlear in the other. A couple would say AB sounds better, the rest...
  9. L

    t-coil and cell phone question?

    etalton - My audiologist told me an interesting can set your T-Coil to a T-Mix. Basically what it does is give you T-coil and noise. That will give you the ability to hear the phone as well as hearing your own voice. I just found that out today. I thought it was really interesting...
  10. L

    HAs (analog VS digital)

    Hmm - honestly, I cannot tell the differences between digitals and analogs. However, I was able to pick up the higher frequencies in the digitals that I couldn't in the analogs. Having said that, after a couple years of wearing digitals, I opted for CI and that was FAR much better than either of...
  11. L

    Another Update *sigh*

    :hug::hug: Sometimes we have to share our feelings here that we couldn't outside of the forums. :-) I have a question MAY be a little helpful or not at all. First - I can see that your doctors are trying to figure out what's the actual cause of your dizzy spells. It...
  12. L

    to cure or not to cure?

    You're so right...;-):ty:
  13. L

    to cure or not to cure?

    Isn't that Cochlear's motto? :-) It says so all over the box of goodies.
  14. L

    t-coil and cell phone question?

    Bold - you have to go to the audi to get it mapped out. That was one of the things that I didn't like too much is the personal audio cable is short. I do wished it was longer. Other than that, I suggest you to head over to your audi and do the adjustment for the T-coil.
  15. L

    t-coil and cell phone question?

    There is Personal Audio jack right on the Freedom processors. Is that what you're talking about? Have you tried WITHOUT the T-coil? Since now there's no feedback, so you don't have to worry about having the phone to your ear. Otherwise, I think you can go back to your audi and adjust the...
  16. L

    CI Colors

    I got the standard Tan processors and brown coils. If I had the tan coils, it will stand out quite a lot against my hair. I didn't want to pick a different color processor as I like to be subtle.
  17. L

    to cure or not to cure?

    I know what you mean. I don't think nerve cell regeneration will be 100% effective for ALL deaf people. Sadly, that would even bring the debate about "hearing people curing the deaf" all over again. I got one, and really thought I could save my other one just in case, but there was no way. I...
  18. L

    Do You Wear Your Hearing Aid When Going Through A Metal Detector At The Airport?

    Interesting! I don't even tell anyone that I have one. It's not a big deal. I do play the deaf card so I can get on the plane first. :-) As soon as I get on the plane, I turn my CIs off because the engine is really loud and I don't want to hear that. I would leave my CI on, only if I want...
  19. L

    Am I (D)eaf?

    I've been reading up on D(d)eaf issues...since I was in class so I couldn't really give my input. Here's my situation. I am deaf/ Hard of Hearing. Why? It has been ASSIGNED to me from many Deaf people in the community on the sole basis that I can talk well and hear well. Now, it probably...
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    Cochlear Implant Surgery: Risks and stuff...

    Good links byrdie714. I just want to point out again, that the implant THEMSELVES do not cause meningitis. It's the surgery. If doctors do not prep the incision properly, or neglect to obey the laws of the OR (keeping every damn thing around the surgical site sterile...which sometimes is an...