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  1. eirlys

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    I don't think anyone takes me seriously. I talk about Deaf issues, my hearing loss, or whatever and I kind of get brushed off by people at my old job, friends, old acquaintances, etc like.... whatever.... you're not HoH. Just because you knew me as a child with no apparent hearing issues...
  2. eirlys

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    I'm tired. My brain decided 3.5 hours of sleep was plenty. Now I have at least 12-14 hours before I can sleep again and I'm tired. I'm hoping I can make it through the day without being a weepy, exhausted, emotional mess.
  3. eirlys

    What's your dinner tonight?

    Thanks to my dads cultural genetics, no cheesecake for me.. or milk/yogurt/etc. Cheese is usually ok /sadsigh lol Dinner last night was the same thing it is every night monday through friday. Baked chicken breast, brown rice, gluten free soy sauce (tamari), and vegetables. I lack imagination.
  4. eirlys


    The kettlebells? I think I paid $20-$30 USD for mine each. They get more expensive the heavier they are. I figure they are worth the cost because if I don't feel like going to the gym, I have no excuses to not work out a little at home.
  5. eirlys


  6. eirlys


    About to start boxing with the BF. Cardio boxing only and no kickboxing. If I can't get my heart rate up with the treadmill thanks to stupid knees... I'm going to get it up hitting stuff. Going to keep lifting on upper body. Box squats when possible and not too painful and romanian deadlifts for...
  7. eirlys

    Help about becoming Switzerland citizenship?!

    You say you are an adult. You say you can make your own decisions. You say you don't want to hear advice warning you that this is a bad idea. You're a grownup. Quit begging on here for money to buy video game addons Quit asking on here for answers regarding obtaining Swiss citizenship Quit...
  8. eirlys


    Ideally... 3 days or more Monday is Chest and Arms, Wednesday is Legs, Friday is Shoulders and back. Also add some very light cardio in there after lifting. I would like to do 2 days purely for cardio. However, I've been in such a slump. I slipped on the ice back in April and hurt my knee...
  9. eirlys

    What's Your Zen Moment?

    I love the moment when you walk outside and the wind blows. It catches in your hair and makes you take a deep breath and for just a moment everything is awesome and beautiful. Also... I tend to get very zen when I'm lifting weights. Sounds stupid... but it makes me feel so good.
  10. eirlys

    Bioshock Infinite

    My boyfriend bought this for me. I did a *OMGSQUEAK!*. Awesomest game ever!
  11. eirlys

    How can I get a good adjustment?

    Yeah.. I'm honestly afraid that's the problem. I couldn't go with any other brand because I went to several different audiologists who refused to help me. They said my hearing was too bad and I would hate any attempts to improve it because it would just all be loud and blarey. They were trying...
  12. eirlys

    How can I get a good adjustment?

    It's been over a year now and I kind of gave up. Things just sound bad/gross/annoying. I only wear my HA when I go outside because I have a really hard time functioning in public without. At home, I go without because I see no need to hear everything going on anyway... and I think I hear fine as...
  13. eirlys

    What game are you getting this year 2013?

    I want want want want Bioshock Infinite. The more I see it, the more I want it...
  14. eirlys

    How are you feeling today?....

    I agree.. it's definitely a flawed system.. somtimes I feel like it's a caste system where some people have more of a right to health and life than other people.. but all we can do is fight to change that and the wheels of bureaucracy turn very very slowly lol I figure, at this point, I may...
  15. eirlys

    How are you feeling today?....

    Still sick here.. taking cough medicine for the cough and tylenol for the fever. Jasmine tea to make my chest and throat feel better. It would be nice if I could be on medicaid but I'm not old enough, disabled enough, and I have no children.. so they turned me down. I'm afraid to go to the...
  16. eirlys

    How are you feeling today?....

    I'm feeling sick and it's making me sad. I've had no voice and have not been able to sleep because of coughing and been running a fever for a week now. It doesn't seem to be getting any better. No cold symptoms like runny nose or anything. Just a very deep, wracking coughing and fever. My ribs...
  17. eirlys

    What do you currently play? (PC games)

    Been playing Bioshock (the first one) on PC. It seems like such a great story but the subtitles are screwy so I quit. It flashes them by really fast and only shows half of them... I want to know the story so I will wait and see if I can find a fix. Other than that... WoW like a fiend as usual
  18. eirlys

    Show off your healthy recipes!

    This is by no means my recipe, but I've used it a lot and it's really really good. It is a bit weird though :) Here is the link to the recipe. Be warned though, there is a small amount of bad words in there.... Behold, the Meat Slop! Meat Slop
  19. eirlys

    Judge rejects divorce for transgender pregnant man

    Hate filled bigots make me sad. That being said, obviously this mans marriage is considered valid in another United States state... if he wants a divorce, then he should be able to get divorced. Since the marriage is not recognized in Arizona it would be largely symbolic, but that peace of mind...
  20. eirlys

    World of Warcraft

    I've been playing WoW for about five years now.. maybe a little longer. Right after Burning Crusade released. I play a draenei shaman as my main and a night elf hunter as a fun little alt :) I play on Windrunner