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  1. eirlys

    Matt's fitness corner

    It's ok. It's just an adjustment process. There's some really good gluten free pastas out there same for bread. Also some REALLY REALLY bad ones lol. I'm taking the night off tonight. My head hurts. You are very right about giving your body a chance to rest and heal. I'm headed in a downhill...
  2. eirlys

    Anyone under the age of 13?

    If they are young, they really do need parental supervision. Too many parents let their kids loose on the net. For all we know, he's a predator looking to lure in little kids or he's a little kid himself who may lure in a predator. It's just not safe.
  3. eirlys

    Matt's fitness corner

    Essentially, I was recently diagnosed with gluten intolerance. I also have lactose intolerance.. likely from either genetics or years of eating wheat products when I should have been avoiding them. I'm a noodle person, So it's been rough adjusting. Just a journey seeing what I can or cannot eat...
  4. eirlys

    Matt's fitness corner

    Don't be nervous. If it's your typical gym.. noone will notice you. The girls are staring at the guys and the guys are staring at themselves in the mirror. Besides, you are all there for the same reason and even the super buff ones didn't start that way. Good luck! :)
  5. eirlys

    Matt's fitness corner

    You didn't scare me away. Just exhausted and kinda zoning out lol. Monday Wednesday and Friday for me. Monday = Chest and back. Wednesday - shoulders and biceps/triceps. Friday = Legs. Tuesday and Thursday and one weekend day we ride bikes. Still working on the diet thing. It seems everything...
  6. eirlys

    What's your dinner tonight?

    I love Chicken Fries from Burger King. Have a nice dinner!
  7. eirlys

    What's your dinner tonight?

    Having fish, zucchini and squash and green bell peppers, and corn on the cob wrapped up in foil packets with seasonings then cooked on the grill. It's all ready in the refrigerator for this evening.
  8. eirlys

    What's your height?

    5'3" I've been telling people for years that I'm 5'6". Then I actually measured myself and I'm apparently short. :(
  9. eirlys

    Do not pick up stray flashlights in AZ!

    That is very scary. What kind of person does these things? I'm not generally a big fan of people and wish they would go away, but I mean.. go away in their house or away from me... It's not my place to decide if someone has the right to live.
  10. eirlys

    Matt's fitness corner

    I live in the gym in between video game time ;). Of course I wanna be tough and strong. Silly for a girl not to be. Besides.. muscles = curves. I don't wanna be like.. bodybuilding lady, but well muscled and fit. You don't get that from cardio. Think Jamie Eason lol.
  11. eirlys

    Matt's fitness corner

    I'd like to learn to swim better. Right now, lift weights a lot. Bench pressing 90 lbs now. Not a lot but started at 45 back in December
  12. eirlys

    World of Warcraft Deaf, hoh, interpeters player recuiting

    I've been playing Tera a lot lately. It's got that Korean MMO look (aion, lineage 2, etc) without the horrible grind. I'd say with very casual playing (I play about 2 hours a day 5 days a week maaaybe) you could get to lvl 60 max in about a month. The characters are beautiful also.