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  1. R

    my mom died

    Steph your family is in my prayers
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    AB - I want to give you a heads up for when you become an interpreter.... people will tell you what they dont like about you, or what you need to work on! They will not "soften" it... They will be straight forward. It is not meant to be hurtful but for a hearie it can be... I had to get...
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    Help with Classifiers...

    Thanks for the video... WOW
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    A name sign is an amazing gift from someone in the Deaf Community, atleast it was for me... There is a story behind it, which makes it more personal... I never use it, I always fingerspell my name, its 5 letters and easy to spell :) Its nice to have though...
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    Help with Classifiers...

    Do you think it helps if a hearing person is a good story teller?? My goal tomorrow is to use CL like crazy! lol
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    Help with Classifiers...

    I have my terp screening next month and I know I need to work on my CL... any advice from anyone (Deaf, HOH, Terps) would be greatly appreciated. I understand them, I just never know when to use them... :ty: in advance :)
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    AB - just wanted to say with mouth morphenes, they come once you have a good grasp of the language... When I started learning ASL it took so much for me to remember them. Now, they just happen (mind you I have been signing for 3 years) The more comfortable you are with signing, the easier it...
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    ITP screening weekend

    Thanks Etoile. I am so excited, but anxious. I fly into the city at 9:30, then I have my ASLPI at 11:15... I am not the best flyier so I hope that doesnt effect my signing.. As for knowing I am good... I know I have the skills but the confidence is another thing. The woman I work with...
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    ITP screening weekend

    Hi all... I have applied to the ITP in BC canada and am getting anxious. 6 weeks from today I have my ASLPI (PI = profficiency interview) Their system goes to level 10 or 12 I think and I have to be at a level 6 to be able to attend the screening weekend. I am nervous, scared, and SO...
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    couldnt agree more :)
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    Is it OK for an ASL teacher to be Hearing?

    I think it is different in Canada... All the instructors of ASL are deaf... except one! He has Deaf parents (a CODA) and he is a certified interpreter. Before he took the job, he talked to the Deaf Community to make sure they were ok with him teaching ASL.
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    A/S/L/Hearing status?

    27 on Sunday / girl / Canada - hearie who signs lol
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    you took the words right out of my mouth!
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    AquaBlue - When I first went to the Deaf Club here, I was terrified. I made mistakes, but was always upfront that I was hearing, learning ASL and enthusiasic to learn more. I went with my ASL prof so that made it a little easier. by the end of the night I was hanging out with people my age and...
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    Leap Year

    No plans for Leap day... I dont work... might watch a movie lol SO boring lol
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    I have applied to the terp program for fall 2008... I have my screening weekend in april. Hope you dont mind if I join AquaBlue... a few have said immerse yourself! they are right... I was good before I became friends with a guy who is Deaf... but after I met him and his friends it became...
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    Fingerspelling (software)

    awesome... I have applied to the terp program and I use it all the time to practice my receptive skills :)
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    My Favorite ASL Study Books.

    Lanee that looks like a fun book :) Aquablue - I LOVE the ABC book (basic course :) ) it was the book I used throughout my ASL classes :) I like it better than SN because it has more vocab :) ASL the easy way, I just bought it :)
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    Fingerspelling (software)

    there are websites you can use :) my favourite is Dr. Bill Vicars' American Sign Language (ASL) Fingerspelling Tool - no www. infront of it! they have four speeds... slow, medium, fast and Deaf... however Deaf speed is not as fast as SOME Deaf people :) have fun!