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  1. S

    When expecting a child, would you want it to be deaf?

    As for me.. I have no preference. I wasn't born deaf so I feel that in the future my children will be hearing or deaf it all depends on the male genes who I marry and his family history.
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    No more CC on WB DVD "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"

    I was disappointed that Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix was in SDH, but I brought it anyways and watch it in Subtitle. Like I said before I'll have to deal with subtitle so I'm usual to it now. However some DVD movies doesn't have SDH or CC and I be disappointed like there was a movie that...
  3. S

    Does 'E' Really Mean Empty on Your Car's Gas Gauge?

    I know somebody who usally put $2.00, $5.00 or sometimes $10.00 gas in a big vehicle like VAN, and I thought it's pretty absurd!. I know if I'm going to be driving somewhere far and I fill up my truck. A round trip from my home to another town and back used up about half a tank gas from FULL...
  4. S

    Do you lick the Envelope??

    Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't, but other than that I can't remember what brand of envalope that had peppermint taste to it, and since that I use peel n seal envalopes now. I used to lick stamps too LMAO! but now thank godness for them peel n stick stamps. Someone told me that they use...
  5. S

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part V

    I was Abducted by Umm Who knows what HA HA!! Hello To everyone of you.. I haven't been able to post on much lately, but did the best I could to catch up on some of the deaf news. First I would like to say Happy BELATED THANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE OF YOU MEMBERS and hope You all ate good. 2nd.. I...
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    What is your favorite Christmas songs?

    Mine would be... 12 Days of Christmas, Jingle Bells Rock, Silent Night, Jingle Bells, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, I'll Be Home for Christmas, Sleigh Ride, White Christmas and I got few others.. But whatever gets me in the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT!
  7. S

    Problem with CSI DVD closed!

    And part of your answer is also correct. when it comes to something like that with white background and words are white to blend in to see it is hard sometimes.:thumb::cheers:
  8. S

    Problem with CSI DVD closed!

    There is no difference. It's just that I prefer Closed Caption than Subtitles, and also sometimes Subtitles does not show what song is being played during the movie. I like to sing to a song that is being sang on the movie and know the lyrics and some Subtitles don't show that. Really both...
  9. S

    Hearing Impaired

    For me.. I say I'm Hearing Impaired or Profound Deaf. OH well It's just label right?? But either who feels comfortable with whichever word that a person feels comfortable with. ONE THING I hate and that is very insulting which is "DEAF AND DUMB" I hate that one
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    Should Prostitute Be Legal?

    I'm with ya on that one...
  11. S

    Which do you like the best?

    More Options??? Ummm.. gee I don't know lol:ugh3:
  12. S

    Which do you like the best?

    It's almost like Subway, but they have sub sandwiches made in anyway u like it. They are good. I would like homemade sub, but I'm too lazy LOL:giggle: P.S. I want to strangle my friend, cuz she the one who got me addicted to Firehouse Subs than Subway and homemade subs. LOL I BLAME HER!
  13. S

    Which do you like the best?

    Which do you like the best? For me Firehouse Subs has won my heart than Subway and Quizo's
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    What's your favorite sushi?

    Mine is the Spicy Salamon Roll, Smoked Salamon w/Cream Cheese, Firecracker Roll, Spicy Shrimp Roll and the Squid
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    New Member needs your advise

    As for me, I don't use i711-relay, because when I use it the singnal gets weak in area wherever I use my SK2. Now with AIM I use add SIPRELAY on my buddy list and it's lot easier to get through with that same as you chat with your friends on AIM. That one is a lot easier for me than with...
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    ooVoo and HOVRS

    Does anyone know anything about ooVoo and HOVRS Someone told me that either one of those program allows you to talk to up to 6 people at the same time with webcam and how does that work?
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    I got yell at.

    Good for you.. Glad it's working out for you:fingersx:
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    What is your favorite soap bar?

    Umm.. Does he use it to get in touch with his feminie side?? LOL:giggle:
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    Favorite Childhood Movie of all time

    Well thanks for moving my post as I almost couldn't find it. He he.. I don't know why I didn't think of moving that to Movies and Television. *Scratching my head* Maybe couldn't find that Thread. Thanks for moving my post to a new HOME. LOL:Oops:
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    :( Britney Spear LOST Custody two sons

    I cannot say anything against Britney Spears. I hope she will learn something from that and get herself together and her life strighten out. Then maybe the judge will give her another chance and Split the 50/50 Custody. My question is WHY K-FED? look what happened with his ex-girlfriend...