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    Green ?

    HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY TO EVERYONE!!! good thing I got on my lucky GREEN UNDIES hee hee :giggle: No wait.. is it with Martini Glasses with APPLETINI drink. LOL
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    I know how you feel. I just learned how to do my signature in marquee. I'm still LEARNING *big pat on the back* for me... I never give up until I TRY. :wiggle:
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    The Story of a Coda Child

    That's a good story and sounds lot like Keith Wann and he CODA Comedian. I'm sure some of you heard of him and he delivers wonderful Laughing Medicine. If You ever get chance to buy Keith Wann "Watching Two Worlds Collide". It was very good show and I brought his DVD. IT'S WONDERFUL and was...
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    WELL GAWD DANG IT! :eek3:
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    Mom sprayed 2 year-old for tantrum

    I understand your part. Both those parents does not set any privileges and they are little from age 4 to 1 years old. The 4 years old should know better, but most of the times when she does something and knows she is going to be punished, she would start crying like a baby. When I observe to see...
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    What would you do if a friend wouldn't take blame for a problem that he caused?

    I agree and that is why I come on AD to look up other people's story, advices, experience on hardship dealing with what they go through everyday. The thing is MY VP be OFF all day and my IMs are on INVISIBLE. That's when I feel at PEACE reading ALMOST reading everyone's posts. So Everyone...
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    Mom sprayed 2 year-old for tantrum

    Unlike friend I know whose kids does that all the times and start whining, then crying. If the mother don't pay attention or give them what they want AND that's when they throw those tantrums. Those children sometimes hit the mother, scratch or even BITE the mother. I told her you need to SPANK...
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    What Bores you the Most?

    For something like that I be singing the song by Daft Punk called "Around the World". that song does only repeat the Lyrics of "Around the World" and it goes on, on and on. Just 3 Words. LOL:giggle:
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    Stupid things non-deafies say

    I had similar thing being asked, and not only that I had one asked me if my throat hurts? because I sound different. DUH! I'm deaf what do u expect.:giggle:
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    Malaysian woman jailed for worshipping teapot

    That song reminds me of the movie I saw called "Storm Of The Century". I'm not sure if any of you seen that Stephen King Movie.
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    I Have A Question For People Who Wear Hearing Aids.

    No, my older HAs use the same size batteries. So I guess the powerful HAs must absorb lots of power than my old HAs. My older ones usually last about 3 weeks. :whistle: :Ohno: That means I must have funeral every 2 weeks for Dead Batteries LMAO:laugh2:
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    What Bores you the Most?

    *LIGHT BULB BLINKS* I know.... I'm sorry and I don't mean to insult LOTR Fans and Pirate Fans.. Those two movies bores me and I keep on falling sleep on those movies over and over when I try to STAY UP and watch all of it, but I couldn't help it when I'm falling :zzz: on those movies.
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    What would you do if a friend wouldn't take blame for a problem that he caused?

    I got NEW FRIENDS and I'm happy with them. THANKS TO THAT ARSE*O :giggle:
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    What Bores you the Most?

    And what would that MOVIE Be?? LOL
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    Hello To All

    Hello and WB!
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    What Bores you the Most?

    :h5: I'm with you on that one..
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    What Bores you the Most?

    When my friends talking about things happened when we were little kids in Elementary School and repeat the same story over and over about what their children did.
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    ADs Age Range

    <----------- 32 and Loving it... several people thought I was 27 or 28 LOL
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    What would you do if a friend wouldn't take blame for a problem that he caused?

    I already put that in past 1 and half year ago when that happened within 3 months I let it go. Cuz I got more BALLS than he do to let stuff like that GO and forget it. I don't mean BALLS DOWN THERE :giggle:
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    What would you do if a friend wouldn't take blame for a problem that he caused?

    I had a friend who shut me out and refuse to be friends with me again or work out the difference between the two of us. When something happened like.. If a friend said "I promise I won't tell anyone and you too". Another friend of mine asked me if it was true that something did happened between...