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  1. T

    Why Are Men Dominating the Debate About Birth Control for Women?

    Yes, I agree completely. Not using the quote button is really annoying and poor etiquette.
  2. T

    Why Are Men Dominating the Debate About Birth Control for Women?

    So why do you not do it? Also, it has less to do with generational issues and more to do with good forum etiquette. 99.9% of people on this website simply quote a person and then respond directly.
  3. T

    Why Are Men Dominating the Debate About Birth Control for Women?

    Please just quote me and talk directly. There is no need to inject my name into your reply. To do so feels like I am being talked down to. :ty:
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    Why Are Men Dominating the Debate About Birth Control for Women?

    No, they vote for male candidates because they think those male candidates represent their best interests based on the lies they are told. Don't put words in my mouth. That's exactly what I said: Now, the unfortunate thing here is that you knew exactly what I meant, as did Reba, and yet both...
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    Why Are Men Dominating the Debate About Birth Control for Women?

    Sure they do, but that is completely irrelevant to what I said, now isn't it?
  6. T

    What are you thinking about? Part V

    Starters are easy to fix. Will cost ya 30-40$ and 15 minutes of someone laying on their back. (oh shit, that sounded really bad . . .)
  7. T

    Man suffered heart attack at Heart Attack Grill

    I loved this from the comment thread below the story:
  8. T

    Why Are Men Dominating the Debate About Birth Control for Women?

    Well, they're often lied to by the male candidates. But then, those candidates lie to all of us about everything anyway, so moot point really.
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    Deaf party - all welcome!!!

    I want beer! MOOOOAARRRRR BEEEEEEERRRRR!!!! :beer:
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    Whitney Houston is Dead

    Yeah, you've got a great sense of humor, like putting that link in your signature.
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    Whitney Houston is Dead

    You don't have a sense of humor, do you?
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    Whitney Houston is Dead

    (I'm just kidding! kidding! I prefer to spend the majority of my time with sober people as well. Every once in a while, slightly-less-than-sober is okay, too. :))
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    Homemade Coffee Snobs

    Friggin okies . . .
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    Homemade Coffee Snobs

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    Homemade Coffee Snobs

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    Homemade Coffee Snobs

    Yep, all Trader Joe's coffee is whole bean. They do have grinders if you want to grind yourself. The canisters have a lid, but I find it's best to vacuum seal the beans after each use. At first I was putting the beans in ziplock baggies and sucking out the air, then quickly sealing them. What a...
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    Homemade Coffee Snobs

    GTF off this thread!!!!! :P
  18. T

    Bill: No snacks for food stamp users

    If you are fair skinned and live above the equator . . .
  19. T

    JFK and Mimi Alford

    I read the whole thing. Interesting reading material. :lol: Just off the top of my head, I found a few factually incorrect things in there, but oh well. The truth is out there. (Cue eerie X-Files theme music.) I have no doubt HST was involved in some shady weird things. Whether this is part...
  20. T

    Sorry, old flames just don't cut it......

    Feel better?