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  1. T

    Why Are Men Dominating the Debate About Birth Control for Women?

    Yes, carry on yourself. Troll. :)
  2. T

    Why Are Men Dominating the Debate About Birth Control for Women?

    In general, I believe anybody's individual spiritual beliefs can, potentially, be compatible with science, but given the things you've said on this website over the years in regards to evolution, deep time, the possibility of life beyond earth, etc., I'd have to believe that with the above...
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    Why Are Men Dominating the Debate About Birth Control for Women?

    First of all, YOU accusing anyone of mocking? That's rich. Really rich. Secondly, please correct me if I'm wrong, but in the Bible the snake talks to Eve and Jesus animates the dead. Does he not? Hey, I didn't make this stuff up. If you find what I've written to be mocking, perhaps you...
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    Why Are Men Dominating the Debate About Birth Control for Women?

    :lol: good one. No, I'm not referring to that "same science." Don't be obtuse.
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    Why Are Men Dominating the Debate About Birth Control for Women?

    Same for me, which is why I gave you back your exact words to chew on. yes, and Bible quotes, too. :lol: I've always been a believer in scientific thought and reason. It's been a continuous search for truth, and it's not over. I hope it is never over. Scientific inquiry is not about a...
  6. T

    Why Are Men Dominating the Debate About Birth Control for Women?

    You do know that ALL forms of interest on money owed were outlawed for the first 500 years or so of the Christian empire, right? That is the true meaning of the word "usury." Excessive interest charged on money loaned, which is the now ambiguous definition of the word, was outlawed for much...
  7. T

    Why Are Men Dominating the Debate About Birth Control for Women?

    That's your opinion, and you're entitled to it. I'm sorry it's been your experience. Science and reason are, by their very definition, the truth, and they have set me free from a world of myth and superstition. Life is beautiful. My only sadness is in seeing a world chained to dogma and...
  8. T

    Angry About High Gas Prices? Blame Shuttered Oil Refineries

    Again, I'm just saying: there was no pun involved or any wordplay. They simply crossed out the "our troops" and replaced it with "military industrial complex." :wave:
  9. T

    Angry About High Gas Prices? Blame Shuttered Oil Refineries

    There's no pun. It says "Military Industrial Complex"
  10. T

    Why Are Men Dominating the Debate About Birth Control for Women?

    No religious text is ever the word of any god. To claim that they are is simply a tool for religious leaders to control and enslave the minds and hearts of men.
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    Angry About High Gas Prices? Blame Shuttered Oil Refineries

    Exactly. Can't believe this needed to be explained. :roll:
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    Kids Turned Away From Church....

    Being Christian, Muslim, or any other religion does not preclude anyone from being "evil" or committing evil acts.
  13. T

    U.S. troops killed and wounded amid Afghan protests over Koran burning

    It was the honorable thing to do. They're still going to kill our troops whether we apologize or not.
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    Angry About High Gas Prices? Blame Shuttered Oil Refineries

    In many cases, the refineries are also the suppliers, but not always. Still, oil drilling and refining has only increased in the last 15 years. And yet demand is even lower? I have not heard of there being any problems in the supply of oil in the last 15 years, aside from a little hiccup known...
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    Angry About High Gas Prices? Blame Shuttered Oil Refineries

    Demand for gas is at a 15 year low? and yet the price of gas is MUCH higher than it was 15 years ago. Anyone else see what the problem is here? Ridiculous. Even when we do what basic economics should dictate: decreasing our use in gas to put relief on the supply line (i.e. low demand should =...
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    U.S. troops killed and wounded amid Afghan protests over Koran burning

    Time to get the hell out of Dodge. Why are we still there? Let the animals tear each other apart.
  17. T

    Why Are Men Dominating the Debate About Birth Control for Women?

    Yeah, like how Christians stand up to the sin of usury . . . oh wait. How do you figure that? Because he allowed himself to be a victim of it? Or because there is a specific quote where he condones it?
  18. T

    Why Are Men Dominating the Debate About Birth Control for Women?

    I'm glad there are people of your generation that think like you!
  19. T

    Kids Turned Away From Church....

    The Book of Mormon has a foundation in full scale hokery and ridiculous crackpot archaeology.