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  1. Soonersseth

    I Graduated!

    cool whats your degree in
  2. Soonersseth

    Velvet Revolver Nokia Theatre Photos

    how close were you
  3. Soonersseth

    Gas is going to be 4 a gal this summer

    $3.35 here in Oklahoma yesterday
  4. Soonersseth

    What type of TV do you own?

    27' Phillips CRT/Flat screen
  5. Soonersseth

    Who is single here?

    I'm single
  6. Soonersseth

    >>>> College STUDENTS

    mine 8th,9th,10th
  7. Soonersseth

    pics of you

    thanks sky
  8. Soonersseth

    Bad News from Tweetybird

    my thoughts and prayers are with you
  9. Soonersseth

    Are you guys good at cook?

    I can cook enchiladas and stuff my friends like them
  10. Soonersseth

    pics of you

    Last week
  11. Soonersseth

    Which Star Wars Character Are You?

  12. Soonersseth

    Which Star Wars Character Are You?

    sorry cant seem to do it
  13. Soonersseth

    PSL - People Sign Language

    thats messed up
  14. Soonersseth

    2006 AllDeaf Caucus (St. Louis) How fun was it?

    I'm a procrastinator too no worries
  15. Soonersseth

    Which Star Wars Character Are You?

    han solo
  16. Soonersseth


    I'm addicted to coke I drink about 4-6 cans daily sometimes buy a 20oz. Is there an AA group for Caffeine Addicts ?
  17. Soonersseth

    I don't understand about sodomy law

    I resent that comment I don't make the laws
  18. Soonersseth

    AD Dark Theme Now Available

    love the dark theme Alex
  19. Soonersseth

    Do u eat Sushi?

    I tried the spicey tuna role pretty good