Search results

  1. skulldragon60

    Seeking for woman to be relationship ( I won't bite LOL )

    Hey Hi Yeah been long time TD were very missed OFC FB I seen you sometime LOL BTW how you doing me good just sold my house last Feb 7 and living small apt soon get retired moved to Ocala buy new home I have land there :) Good to hear from you ...
  2. skulldragon60

    Seeking for woman to be relationship ( I won't bite LOL )

    Hi My name Brett Voss and had been single too long and I work as pressman for 40 yrs and had one son and you can inbox me and you can look up my facebook look my name so Hope you all have a great day and Happy Easter :) Brett
  3. skulldragon60


    Well it's very hard to trust with hearing people as I seen lots ppl having problem I wish you best of luck and I rather deaf to deaf not hearing ..
  4. skulldragon60

    looking serious hoh guy

    Hello it's been long time we did leave comment here and my post LOL did you find any good guy and better life ?? :wave:
  5. skulldragon60

    Who is single here?

    WOW it's been long time not visit this group and forgotten all about this LOL anyway I am single too long and I had to forget those two other ladies tired of waiting too much bullshit pardon my language I am sure few of you know me since i am an ASS LOL do you me a favor HUSH OK LOL...
  6. skulldragon60

    who been single? look friend?

    Ha sure it called International Deaf Chat when you click asked join I will check it out for you and will inbox you if its you then I will accept you add ok and have a good Sunday :boink:
  7. skulldragon60

    who been single? look friend?

    Your welcome if you interesting to join my group let me know remmy its open mind OFC its closed group no children allowed ;)
  8. skulldragon60

    who been single? look friend?

    YUP HOH AND DEAF too there's lot on that Facebook group ..
  9. skulldragon60

    who been single? look friend?

    If you lonely you can go to Facebook and join some GROUP it will make you more friend you can do that :)
  10. skulldragon60

    Deaf Single Connection

    WOW its so quiet here ..
  11. skulldragon60

    Deaf Single Connection

    All I need to know if other member were paid lifetime member if they also cancelled member too just curious I ain't worry about DSC..
  12. skulldragon60

    Deaf Single Connection

    HAHAHAHAAHAHA forget lawyer its dumb LOL
  13. skulldragon60

    Deaf Single Connection

    So far I did inbox Admin DSC they never reply me three times damn .
  14. skulldragon60

    Deaf Single Connection

    Hello AllDeaf I wanted to ask you question I did email to Debbie or other Admin who work on DSC site and I wanted ask who you member on DSC on this website > < I was member there since dec 2004 right now I am no longer member there I had to pay upgrade ?? I did...
  15. skulldragon60

    Raccoon Attacks Florida School for the Deaf and Blind Student

    Hello long time no see you anyway ahhh you right they should take class to warn the kids never touch with animals it was sad to see her got hurt by biting raccoon jeez hope she's alright my friend just told me last week on VP shocked :(
  16. skulldragon60

    Who is single here?

    Chuckling for me long time cuz most woman think of sex money hard to trust had been dating few woman not my type one of lady very sweet but we become friend long story ;) ofc I am still single :iough:
  17. skulldragon60

    Unofficial AllDeaf Map - Post Your Location!

    Those link not working ??? I live Florida ;)