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  1. S

    Start with spoken language or ASL?

    awww man, i hope that girl doesn't let those comments get her down! and more so, i hope her parents don't let the criticism get to them either! I was in a hearing school all my life and I turned out just fine. If their daughter is doing well and excelling and is happy, then props to those...
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    Start with spoken language or ASL?

    i am profoundly deaf with 85-90 dB loss in both ears (with two hearing aids) and am 100% oral. i was mainstreamed and did speech therapy for 12 years starting at age 1. So my connection to the deaf is pretty solid :D I am basically proof that teaching only speech and being predominately oral...
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    Start with spoken language or ASL?

    ur right, in some cases it is impossible, and in some cases it VERY possible. I don't think asking a child (a young child that is) to face this challenge is unreasonable or even harsh at all because the SOONER (and better yet, the younger) the child begins to overcome this challenge, the easier...
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    How I became a graphic designer (you can too)

    lol, this is true... u DO need to have that ability whether u are a print-based graphic designer, a web-based graphic designer, or even a photographer. i'm both a photog & graphic designer (print) AND im deaf, so between Photoshop and AIM/email... um yeah... i do have eye strain occasionally...
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    Hal-Hen Dry jar?

    Overthepond - ur welcome! I used to take the Dry & Store Professional with me when i traveled! i hated it! then i got the global and thats become my travel one. However, this was a few yrs ago and since then they have come out with an even smaller one. called Zephyr. i have not bought one...
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    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    Yep, thats right Shel90 - i meant 90% on lipreading :) that sucks u got headaches... too much of anything isn't good for anyone, haha.
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    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    ya know what else really helped me as a kid? reading the closed captioning on TV :) thanks to those , i read fast!
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    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    P.S. What if the person has a Boston accent and so the R in "beer" is dropped and it becomes Bee-ah! :giggle: is that easier to lipread? :hmm:
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    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    Agreed on the letters P, B, & M. but how is "ilk" and "eer" the same visually??? the placement of the lips and tongue are SOOO different with the letters B & L. with B the lips are closed. with L the tongue touches the roof of the mouth. i cannot understand how u can say those words look...
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    Start with spoken language or ASL?

    without a doubt, oral should be the primary.
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    Start with spoken language or ASL?

    EXACTLY! its predominately hearing, so therefore, in general circumstances, its best to have the child start with spoken language. Since that is probably the most challenging. My philosophy is meet the strongest challenge head on! And then implement ASL into their learning. then viola! they...
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    Hal-Hen Dry jar?

    i have an OLD Hal-Hen jar. this is what the label says: "the small quantity of blue pellets are there to let you know when to reactivate and remove moisture. when all the pellets are hte same color (white), it is time to reactivate. After reactivation, the pellets will turn blue again. How...
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    Start with spoken language or ASL?

    Thank u, Doofenslim, that is exactly what I am trying to say too (and what Daredevel is tryin to say too). my reading skills were always ahead too! Thanks to me being exposed to spoken language since birth and beginning speech therapy by age 1, I was never behind in school. Some doctors told...
  14. S

    getting a cochlear implant as an adult?

    I have another question... related to Post-CI. how about speech therapy? Did u have to "re-do" speech therapy to "learn" how to hear all over again? I imagine the difference between HA and CI is so drastic and the brain wont be accustomed to hearing certain sounds, especially high frequency...
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    getting a cochlear implant as an adult?

    Finally some people in the same boat as me! lol. It just seemed like everyone I met (with the exception of a friend of mine) was implanted at a very young age and not as an adult - there is quite the difference, i think. To answer ur question: I am actually NOT losing any hearing, and I...
  16. S

    getting a cochlear implant as an adult?

    oh, thanks for the tip on deafvillage! i have not heard of them, i will definitley check them out. You said that u had HAs since u were 10, but what about before that? did u have normal hearing then? Is your hearing the type that worsens gradually? that's the ONE thing that makes me a bit...
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    Start with spoken language or ASL?

    a parrot is really poor example... u cannot compare a bird to a human. there is no logic in that comparison. In order to be able to speak -and have it make sense - one needs to be able to comprehend what is being spoken. Regarding HUMANS, productive functions & receptive functions go...
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    Start with spoken language or ASL?

    i'm sorry but u are very wrong on that. IQ ABSOLUTELY has A LOT to do with learning. IQ and learning a language are definitley connected in some way. Earlier posts have mentioned how the sense of sight (naturally) becomes stronger since the sense of hearing is lacking - as someone who relies a...
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    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    this may be a bit off topic... but... "milk" and "beer" ????! those do not lipread the same way at all. what makes u say that? they are completely different letters altogether. i even just looked at myself in the mirror while saying them! lol. :giggle: and um.... im sorry they do not look the...
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    getting a cochlear implant as an adult?

    I am wondering about something a bit specific: Who here is deaf/HoH since birth/childhood, has worn hearing aids, but then got the cochlear implant later in life, like a teenager or better yet as an adult? (NOT as an infant or a child). I've been profound all my life, since I was 1 yr old. i...