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  1. S

    Show Your Photography Ability

    Right on! good call on going to the workshop to learn the business aspect of it. there is a lot more to professional photography than just snapping the pics! haha. it can be a bit overwhelming to run ur own business, but if u love what u do... then its worth it :)
  2. S

    Show Your Photography Ability

    :wave: thank u Freckles! glad u enjoyed the pix :) hahaha i love fall leaves!
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    Show Your Photography Ability

    Kula, that is an awesome shot! love the motion blurs. aren't carnivals great to photograph?? :) i'd like to see some more of ur work. do u work as a professional?
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    Show Your Photography Ability

    agreed. on the people part. if u want to, feel free to look at my photography:
  5. S

    Show Your Photography Ability

    LoL. i love photoshop! excited to try CS4 ?
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    Hearing Loss

    oh man... have u seen another doctor to confirm this, maybe? i have not read the book either, but yeah there's quite an amount of ototoxic drugs out there. that's one of the possible causes of mine. an antibiotic ending in -mycin. i forget the name.
  7. S

    deaf accent!

    LOL that's hilarious cuz i'm from the south (Florida) and i usually get British. and YEA, i get the "oh i'm sorry" comment a lot too. hahaha. a couple of times the convo went something like this: stranger: ohhh where are u from? me: miami stranger: oh. but where are u FROM, where were u born...
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    Books about deafness & CI

    Jillio, u are right. I stand corrected. its true, I am new here, and so I am not aware of full histories. its just that ur comment stung me and so i was quick to judge here in this thread. my apologies.
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    getting a cochlear implant as an adult?

    Thank you everyone! for all ur posts and sharing ur experiences. i really appreciate it. it was VERY helpful! and very informative! :) I will keep all of this in mind as I continue my personal research on this - i am gonna take my time on this for a bit as it is quite the big decision and i...
  10. S

    Books about deafness & CI

    Rick, I would just like to say i really enjoyed hearing ur story about ur daughter. u and ur wife seem like how my parents were when they found out i was deaf. (no i do not have a CI, i wear two hearing aids. reason why they chose not to get a CI was because when i was diagnosed it was too...
  11. S

    Books about deafness & CI

    OUCH! see, this is exactly what i have a problem with. That is very insulting to Rick. why would u flat out call someone destructive and ignorant. I read Rick's post about his daughter, and while i do not know Rick, he seems FAR from being destructive and ignorant. I would be a bit more careful...
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    Books about deafness & CI

    First off, i realize this is a bit off topic... Jillio, I know it must seem like im trying to fight, and im really not. i REALLY tried sitting on my hands on this one, LOL. but i have to point something out... and this is NOT an attack on u Jillio, just an observation... don't u think by...
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    Books about deafness & CI

    *applause* :gpost:
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    Books about deafness & CI

    Rick, i have wanted to read that Kisor book for a while now! thanks for reminding about it. Have u by any chance read "Seeing Voices" by Oliver Sachs?
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    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    Yet u just compared deafness to cancer in an earlier post. cancer too, has virtually nothing to with deafness.
  16. S

    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    what am i armed with? EXPERIENCE! my LIFE. my own deafness. and observations of myself, my therapist, my family and my friends (both deaf and hearing). everything I have been posting. this is all valid! if u are insinuating that this isn't valid, i find that very offensive. when someone...
  17. S

    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    :giggle: a bra. that's hilarious. but yeah, in an argument/debate, if someone is only citing statistics, its because that is all s/he knows and is armed with.
  18. S

    deaf accent!

    hahaha, yeah ive had experiences of ppl thinking im deaf n dumb in HS, oh well. isnt that what HS is anyways? a lot of kids teasing kids, haha. but yeah ur right, it DOES weed out the idiots :) and i always knew who my true friends were!