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  1. N

    Wikipedia BAD!!

    Well what I mean is that as part of the tuition, we get access to online subscriptions.
  2. N

    Wikipedia BAD!!

    Yup. I have no idea what either of those are. But I do know how to research for sources in a library. I just don't do it now given most libraries only have regular print.
  3. N

    Questions and debates about blindness:

    Nystagmus is involuntary and usually leads to an acquired head tilt in people with some vision. That means that they will usually position their head at a weird angle because their eyes dance the least when they look in a certain position. For example, someone whose eyes dance the least when...
  4. N

    Odd/Funny Names

    I had a math teacher whose name was P____ Nass. The email format at my school would go by first initial last name, so his email was pnass@(schoolname).
  5. N

    Odd/Funny Names

    Twelve. And they were named January through December.
  6. N

    Schools have less time for penmanship

    I think that is pretty balanced to have cursive taught alongside print. The more options, the better.
  7. N


    Participating in healing processes. I love giving people massages and doing energy/body work because I get to participate in a sacred healing process. It really makes my day, and it's healing for me too. I want to make a living out of it. That's how much I love it!
  8. N

    Wikipedia BAD!!

    In ten years? We do that now.
  9. N

    Schools have less time for penmanship

    My school heavily emphasized cursive. In fact if we wrote in print, we would have to rewrite whatever we did (essay, homework assignment) again in cursive during a detention. We were only allowed to write in blue ballpoint pen, and if we made a mistake, we had to start over the entire...
  10. N

    Questions and debates about blindness:

    society's_child, here are some more causes for off-color eyes. Head trauma--sometimes head trauma leads to having scar tissue on parts of the eyes, which can make them look diseased or disfigured. Glaucoma can make your eyes look red. Grave's Disease (a thyroid disorder) and uveitis/iritis can...
  11. N

    Wikipedia BAD!!

    I'm not sure but most of them you have to pay for a subscription. I can access a lot of online journals through my university website for free, though. However I do have to log in as a student at the university in order to access them. I rely completely on the e-Library (online library) since...
  12. N

    A confession to make...

    LuciaDisturbed, usually lazy eye leads to blindness in one eye. Are you sure there wasn't another condition your eye doctor mentioned for your total blindness, or are you talking about being blind in one eye? <confused> Of course it's a huge deal for you! It is scary for any sighted person...
  13. N

    Wikipedia BAD!!

    That's all I'm saying as well. Is that yes there are times when it's inappropriate, but there are times where it also serves its purpose. Some people become very absolutist and don't even quote Wikipedia to look up an actor's biography or to look up something for an online forum. Since these are...
  14. N

    Wikipedia BAD!!

    Thanks for answering my question.
  15. N

    word game

  16. N

    Wikipedia BAD!!

    <laughing> Nothing like
  17. N

    Wikipedia BAD!!

    Yup. Like on AD. <laughs>
  18. N

    Wikipedia BAD!!

    <laughs> I'm not that careless. I wouldn't use Wiki in a paper unless I wanted to get points docked.