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  1. N

    Odd/Funny Names

    There's also a town in Switzerland called Bitsch and a town in Pennsylvania called Intercourse.
  2. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    Aw, I'm sorry Angelus! <hugs> That must really be terrifying. Would taking an Aspirin help?
  3. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    <hugs> Karissa, I hope you feel better soon.
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    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    Aw I'm sorry to hear, Hear Again. <hugs> I hope you feel better.
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    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    I'm so sorry, typeingtornado. <tight hugs>
  6. N

    Your views on relationships

    Aw, David. <hugs>
  7. N

    Schools have less time for penmanship

    We were forbidden to use fountain pens. The only pens that were allowed in my school were blue ballpoint pens.
  8. N

    Schools have less time for penmanship

    I think care should be taken with students who have medical conditions that might make writing cursive hard, e.g. low muscle tone.
  9. N

    Obama tells Arabic network US is 'not your enemy'

    No doubt about that. Bush left behind a huge mess.
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    Obama tells Arabic network US is 'not your enemy'

    Of course it takes time, and if I remember correctly, Obama specifically said that his plans would take time in his inaugural speech.
  11. N

    Obama tells Arabic network US is 'not your enemy'

    It's about trying to rebuild bridges that Bush burnt down. I hardly call that "so?".
  12. N

    Questions and debates about blindness:

    I don't know because I haven't been to the eye doctor in a long time.
  13. N

    Wikipedia BAD!!

    Actually the schools in the D.C. area have a system called consortium schools, so I can actually take a class at Gally or another D.C. area school and get credit at my university.
  14. N

    Wikipedia BAD!!

    Same here, and it's great. Gallaudet is one of the schools I have unlimited library access to, which is awesome for an ASL nerd like me. <smile>
  15. N

    Questions and debates about blindness:

    That's the reason for my head tilt now.
  16. N

    An Idea For Hear_Again *GRIN*

    <rolling laughter>
  17. N

    Questions and debates about blindness:

    I have an acquired head tilt. I have better vision in the top part of my visual field so I tend to tilt my head down to make the best use of my vision. When I was sighted I had the same head tilt for different reasons -- because of my squint, my eyes were more closely aligned when I looked up...
  18. N

    Questions and debates about blindness:

    Lots of times people with acquired head tilts don't realize it until someone points it out or until they've been reading so long that their neck muscles get sore.
  19. N

    Wikipedia BAD!!

    Definitely true. My professors usually require at least three book sources. But with the e-Library, I am looking at books. They have just been scanned into the computer--but the sources are from books. It's called GEORGE. We also have Aladin, which not only has library materials from my...
  20. N

    Wikipedia BAD!!

    Our library doesn't have CCTV's. They do have computers with screen readers, but that doesn't help with looking at a regular print book. Plus the online e-Library for my university is the same as the regular library, except the books are scanned in page by page and then made into PDF's.