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  1. N

    A confession to make...

    me too
  2. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    i want to die
  3. N

    Schools have less time for penmanship

    My writing is huge and definitely not neat. I bring my laptop to all my classes.
  4. N

    Todd Noears

    Welcome to AD, Todd. <smile> Or maybe Treacher's Syndrome? Do you have the inner part of the ears or no ears at all?
  5. N

    Schools have less time for penmanship

    Wow. I don't know how they do it either.
  6. N

    Schools have less time for penmanship

    Oh man. Glad he's not my dad. <laughs> My dad actually writes pretty big naturally. He writes in half caps and half lowercase.
  7. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    I could use a hug...I've been getting really depressed at nighttime lately. And I just don't know who else to turn to since others have been getting sick of Nika being depressed.
  8. N

    A Vermont Mother Speaks Out

    Oh I know you weren't looking for sympathy. It breaks my heart anyway. I'm glad to know your parents are coming around though.
  9. N

    A Vermont Mother Speaks Out

    It breaks my heart to hear that. I'm so sorry your family was so unaccepting. <sad>
  10. N

    Schools have less time for penmanship

    What does "Asian size" mean?
  11. N

    Schools have less time for penmanship

    The other thing is I have to be close to it to be able to read it. And in a classroom, even the front row is usually too far. Does anyone here write in all caps?
  12. N

    Schools have less time for penmanship

    I've given up on trying to do that. Most of my professors have tiny handwriting and about half of them have chickenscratch for handwriting.
  13. N

    Schools have less time for penmanship

    I have a really hard time reading italics on the computer, let alone cursive. I need a very straightforward non-serif font to read comfortably.
  14. N

    Your views on relationships

    I am also open about relationships. I am accepting of homosexual and polyamorous relationships. I think so long as there is love there (or sex if that's the agreement) then I'm fine with it. Of course I think that openness and honestly are essential, and I also think that all involved must feel...
  15. N

    Schools have less time for penmanship

    Couldn't agree more. Cursive is incredibly hard for me to read now, even magnified.
  16. N

    Schools have less time for penmanship

    I used to be sighted, Jiro.
  17. N

    Schools have less time for penmanship

    Yes I know. <smile> I've read up on my graphology. <wink>
  18. N

    Schools have less time for penmanship

    Cursive and print take the same amount of time to write for me. And both of them give me hand cramps. I guess that explains it--cursive is some how easier to write for most people. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I'm left-handed and cursive is designed for right-handed people?
  19. N

    Schools have less time for penmanship

    Good question. What's the matter with print?
  20. N

    Odd/Funny Names

    <laughs> Naturally, it became his nickname. "Oh man I got math with Pnass today..."