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  1. N

    What is your favourite alchocolic beverage?

    I don't drink.
  2. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    Sent you a PM, Jiro.
  3. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    Thank's Chris' Mom, <hugs>.
  4. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    Will do in PM.
  5. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    I don't. I read the posts that I must have written last night and people's replies, all of which were supportive and very kind.
  6. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    Thanks for all the support everyone. I really appreciate it. You helped me get through a rough night. <tight hugs for all>
  7. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    Thanks Karissa. <hugs back>
  8. N

    UN Official Wants to Prosecute Bush, Rumsfeld for Torture

    Oh I would definitely do something about it. Just not torture.
  9. N

    A confession to make...

    I'm sorry about that, kazumi. <hugs>
  10. N

    A confession to make...

    Aw I'm sorry, Whisper. <hugs>
  11. N

    word game

  12. N

    Parents snooping.. Invasion of privacy?

    That was the same deal I had with my parents and plan on having with my children. I never gave them a reason to snoop so they never had to. I would rather die than break my trust with them.
  13. N

    A confession to make...

    It hasn't even been 24 hours and I already miss Hear Again.
  14. N

    A confession to make...

  15. N

    A confession to make...

    I come off as very strange to a lot of people. One of the reasons I have a hard time making friends.
  16. N

    A confession to make...

    Me too. I also want to adopt children that have been abused or in the foster care system because I really understand where they are coming from and want to be able to offer them the love and compassion some other parents might not be able to.
  17. N

    A confession to make...

    Yay! When we meet in person someday maybe I can introduce you to my cat, Mr. Socks.
  18. N

    A confession to make...

    Folks is another way of saying people or guys. E.g. "hey people, hey guys," you can also say "hey folks."
  19. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    Thanks, typeing. <hugs back>