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  1. N

    Wikipedia BAD!!

    Yes definitely. As a multilingual person I read Wiki entries in several languages and always notice variation in detail and depth. Some of them also have cultural bias in them, as you stated. I actually decide which language look something up in depending on what it is. For example if I'm...
  2. N

    Iranian leader demands US apology

    It's a quote from "Achmed the Dead Terrorist." YouTube - Jeff Dunham - Achmed the Dead Terrorist
  3. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    Except that I can't afford it. I've seen my girlfriend get kicked out of the hospital when she was in her most vulnerable state because she or her parents couldn't foot the bill. I don't want to end up in that situation.
  4. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    That's exactly what I did. I didn't even know she was banned when I sent her the PM.
  5. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    I can't find the PM now.
  6. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    I didn't know that. I thought banned members simply received the PM when they were no longer banned. I'll resend you the PM Hear Again.
  7. N

    not really deaf related

    Yes I definitely agree with that.
  8. N

    Iranian leader demands US apology

    I love that skit! How do you spell your name?!!!
  9. N

    POWER UP - Just how much power was created? Science buff topic

    That is really interesting, naisho. Thanks for posting it! I really enjoyed thinking of joules in terms of cosmic phenomena and every day things because in physics class they always taught us the numbers without attaching any concrete meaning. So it's nice to have that now. <smile>
  10. N

    Iranian leader demands US apology

    I agree -- Ahmadinejad is nuts.. And there's no doubt about that, Ahmadinejad has a lot about his country he needs to admit, like torturing and killing thousands of people for not being Muslim or not being Muslim enough. However we should understand that it's not the Iranian people that are...
  11. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    I'm not malingering LuciaDisturbed. I'm sorry if you think I do because I understand how frustrating it can be when someone is malingering and I wouldn't want to be the cause for anger. Suicide hits very close to home for me too. I would never make fun of something like that because I know how...
  12. N


    <seconds that> Just the act of living life, getting through the ups and downs, is quite an accomplishment in itself.
  13. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    I have help. I go to a psychiatrist and I'm on meds. And I've been going to her since last July when my last therapist wanted me hospitalized. My parents switched therapists because that freaked them out. So now I'm living with them. Of course if you think I'm lying about it there's not...
  14. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    No. I'm dissociative but I don't have DID.
  15. N

    Questions and debates about blindness:

    Typeing and I had a Skype conversation today and she heard my screen reader. Since you had direct comparison, what'd you think?
  16. N

    A confession to make...

    Thanks Jiro.
  17. N

    A confession to make...

    Thanks. <smile> If you're not sure you can try confessing to someone in PM and they can help you gauge how publicly confessable it is. (Feel free to PM me if you want.)
  18. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    Thanks. <hugs back>
  19. N

    A confession to make...

    Who is Dairy Queen?
  20. N

    Need a hug? Come here to get one.

    HUGS, dreama. <hugs> I hope you feel better.