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  1. D

    Deaf partner or hearing?

    Vam Pyrox :-) I agreed with you . That's how my husband know how to sign . I ve know him for almost 30 years this coming fall! He's just a wonderful... caring... and a Christian . But we have been married for 28 years!
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    Deaf partner or hearing?

    Hi Hearing u, I just read your comment. I am deaf all my life. I have my wonderful hearing husband for 28 years! Don't listen to the others what they are telling you. You will know who's the right person for you no matters hearing or deaf. I have 2 grown children and they signs as well. ll my...
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    I Have A Question For People Who Wear Hearing Aids.

    TO R2D2 ` Well the reason I am opposing to CI because this doesn't make a deaf person to become a perfect hearing person . A deaf person will always be a deaf person. I was born deaf and now I will be 50 years old and still wears HA. I do speak orally and sign languages. HA is more easier...
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    I Have A Question For People Who Wear Hearing Aids.

    Hi. Get to know about me. I am deaf and have been using my HA all my life! HA is good enough for me . I am happy person . Whenever I have a headaches.. I don't wears HA.Yes I am oppose to CI . I am not against any person who have CI . Just remember there's nothing wrong to be deaf person. I...
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    Considering an implant?

    Hey Cloggy! Yeah let's start a new thread. Maybe someone will make the comment. I 'm just curious.. are you deaf?
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    Considering an implant?

    Cloggy, Yeah I know .I just though and see if they would come back to check on You are right it's way back 2003. I think for now maybe someone else will notice of my opinion and shared to others.
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    Considering an implant?

    Ok I'm back.. to go "The Ugly Truth CI" by Jack Barr. This will help you to undertands clear and what's up with the information. They have deaf person signs in their videos.
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    Considering an implant?

    I wrote my opionion and feeling and knowing who I am. I will send it to this website.
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    Considering an implant?

    To Live2Him, You have to think twice before you want to have CI. I have been deaf all my life and I just accept who I am. God created you for who you are and your deaf natural way. Go to the Jack eye's website . The person who experienced about the CI that affected them. There's videos too and...
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    Your and My Opinion About The CI

    Hello. For anyone who are reading about the ci that I wanted to comment about. I am deaf and have been profound deaf all my life . I wears hearing aid since I was 5yrs olds and now I am 49. I also do the signs and lipreads. I attended M.S.D. for 7 years and loved it. I always have been accepted...