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    Deafs be allowed to marry?

    I am hearing, so the deaf posters might think I have no place to say anything, but I believe everyone is being extremely hard on this girl. Why not just take the opportunity to provide a definitive answer to her question and explain your answer, instead of criticizing her, for something of which...
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    deaf single here from indiana

    Chris, you seem like a very nice guy. I wish you the best in you endeavors to find love.
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    If Deaf never had sign language, would you hearing still want to know us??

    What I meant was that I am hearing.....and just about every guy that I have dated or met, with a few exceptions have been dirt bags and bad news....I haven't met a lot of people in the deaf community...the 4 that I have were all nice...I even dated one of the deaf guys I met....we broke up...
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    If Deaf never had sign language, would you hearing still want to know us??

    I am hearing. I think to suggest that we hearing people only like the appeal of signing, is like saying someone only like a guy from Paris b/c he has a French Accent and speaks French. That sort of thinking basically says that we are shallow people that don't really love people who do things...
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    What Are You Reading Right now?

    Deaf Sentence by David Lodge
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    Official AllDeaf Switched At Birth Discussion [tv show on abc family]

    Hmmm.....I think that either Bay, Emmett, or Wilkie will tell Toby the truth. I know some people might feel upset or mad at Emmett for what he did, but I don't...I understand that he was in a highly stressful situation and he was in a very bad place at the time...I'm just glad he didn't do...
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    Hello from NC

    Hi Michael!! My name is Candice and I am 26 years old....I'm hearing w/ Meniere's and am going to be tested by audiologist on May 24th...I have trouble catching letters and words in conversations sometimes(especially when there is a lot of background noise) hopefully I'll find out whats...
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    Hey I'm new!

    Hello Justin! My name is Candice, I'm 26 and I am hearing w/ Meniere's and getting tested by audiologist on May 24th...b/c I have problems hearing full conversations sometimes...I miss letters or words and I'm like "What did u say?" I'll hopefully find out whats going on...I started an...
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    more independence....

    :wave: I get what your saying Derek, however it does all depend on the age of the girl in question. I mean once you turn 18 and as long as you are paying for the car (& its upkeep) then yeah totally go for it, you shouldn't be too worried about what your parents are going to think....I mean we...
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    Official AllDeaf Switched At Birth Discussion [tv show on abc family]

    I hear you on the whole Emmet thing....but at least this show is showing stuff that really happens...I mean nobody is perfect and its nice to see that expressed in a show....and at least he recognized that it was a mistake and has not acted on again....IDK if it was a good decision to keep it...
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    Deaf Father-CODA Son

    :wave: :welcome: to AD
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    Are people usually willing to learn signs?

    :wave: I completely agree with you, it takes 2 to make any relationship work no matter if its :deaf: Deaf/hearing, hearing/hearing, English/foreign language, disabled/not-disabled, older/younger,local/ doesn't matter both partners have to be willing to put forth 100% b/c...
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    Intro: mom of HOH 5 year old boy

    Welcome to AD!! I am mother of a hearing 5-year old girl who is in Kindergarten. if you ever wanna just talk mom 2 mom, I'm here. I have some friends in RI, what part are you from?
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    Students Looking for ASL buddies

    Hello, I am looking for someone to SKYPE with to practice and increase my knowledge of ASL!! I have a webcam but no mic, but that shouldn't be a problem. I know a little bit but I want to increase what I know.... I'm hoping to go to school this fall and will be taking ASL for all my electives...
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    Auditory Processing Disorder

    hmmm.... I was diagnosed with Meniere's in adulthood...all through middle and high school I would have these episode were I had ringing in my ears and then it felt like I was underwater and everyone else was above water, it would even get so bad that I would be talking very loudly but it sounded...
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    Are people usually willing to learn signs?

    I'm willing to learn ASL, and I'm not dating a deaf guy..... Everyone is right, there is a guy out there who will be willing and ready to learn ASL.... There is a guy who would be willing to risk everything in his life, just to spend the rest of his life with you. Unfortunately, I haven't found...
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    Auditory Processing Disorder

    I was just how old you were when you were diagnosed with the Auditory Processing Disorder. Also, how is that you weren't diagnosed until Adulthood? I'm just curious. I've read up on APD and am just wondering, if you were experience symptoms as you were growing up? :welcome: To All:deaf: .com
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    Hello! Newbie from SC!

    Welcome to AD!!!! I'm in Greenville, NC!!!! I'm hearing and learning more ASL everyday!!!!
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    Unofficial AllDeaf Map - Post Your Location!

    I'm in Greenville, NC!! I'm hearing!!!! Is anyone near Eastern NC? I'm also open to video chatting with people on Skype, my SKYPE ID is: Candice.R.Smith I want to improve my knowledge of ASL!! I'm planning on taking courses at my local community college in the fall and taking the NC...
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    Looking for someone to share Valentine's Day!!

    @deafdyke Yeh and yeh just a wee bit!!!! Hope you had a good Valentine's Day!!!!