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    Prove me wrong, Cast/Crew

    most of us left our mothers apron strings behind when we became adults, meaning between age 18 and 22, sometimes later, we leave mommy behind to grow up in the big bad world. We don't continue to live with mommy. It's a lot easier to live on your own than under your mother's rules.
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    *Double Check*

    Did you do a lot of walking, running, whatever while you were in the US? I happen to know that if you do a lot of exercise even if it wasn't intentional, it can cause weight loss. happened to me. 6 months of 20 minute walks to and from work caused me to lose about 40 pounds. so i was wondering...
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    Prove me wrong, Cast/Crew

    Not all of us have that attutide. some of us just don't like people who act like 3 year olds hanging onto mommy's leg
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    What if there is NO WAR?

    How the hell do you expect war and politics to be separate? Right now, we've got the president as our commander in chief for the military here in the US, SO politics does get involved in war. And in every country, the highest ranking executive no matter if it be king, president, parliament...
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    I wonder how far up their asses their heads are.. cuz that's like overboard censorship.
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    What approach should be used in the educational setting for deaf education?

    The thing that most parents need to remember is that no matter what device the child uses, hearing aids, CI's, whatever newflangled creations they come up with, their child is still, a deaf child. and no matter what you use to try to give them hearing, They're still deaf. You can tell all the...
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    More interpreting help, please!

    The respect part, i think is more.. respect you equal (make circle while signing equal, to show that everyone gets equal respect) all time. I'm sure someone else can do better, but I don't think "i respect you, you respect me" is what it means.
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    District files appeal against deaf student

    I have to say, personally, I don't care about grammer.. I don't expect anybody here to have perfect grammer or know everything about it. I know that there are educators, and other people who work hard at their job, and I can understand needing a break after teaching all day. that sometimes you...
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    Prove me wrong, Cast/Crew

    Deafilmedia... All you do is whine and put yourself down.. STOP IT! You can't control your looks, but you can control your attitude. ENOUGH! GROW UP! Your looks don't make you who you are.. your attitude and who you are on the inside are more important than your damn face! I'm tired of people...
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    District files appeal against deaf student

    Jackie, Personally, I think you are doing a good job trying to respect your children's wishes. And I appauld you for that. I guess sometimes people see parents encourage their children to be oral, and while this can be a good thing, it's the deaf children that fall through the cracks that...
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    What approach should be used in the educational setting for deaf education?

    We all have a different view of what works and what does not work.. Can't you guys just accept that you each have your own views on which approach you use? I know some think oral works, others think ASL only works, and still others feel the Bi Bi works, or TC works and so on and so forth...
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    Do you think Healthcare professionals should learn basic ASL ....

    Remember.. not all hospitals will have an interpreter on site.. so having a doctor, nurse or whatever that speaks the language while waiting for interpreters, would work. so the doctor can tell which language the patient speaks and be able to contact the correct interpreter for that patient. so...
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    Food Service positions

    Yeah, every job has it's requirements. but deaf people can do those jobs.. you just have to find ways to get around the hearing part of the job. IE, I have worked as a waitress.. and it makes things easier if people understand how to work with the deaf. I was lucky with my waitressing job...
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    Why Deaf films failed?[VID]

    what do you expect? she's a drama queen.... Get a job.. SSI won't be there forever, Deafilmedia.
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    Soy = Bad?

    I don't eat red meat, but I'm not vegetarian or vegan.. I just don't like most red meats. I mostly eat chicken, pork and some seafoods. it really depends on what I am in the mood for. I also eat a lot of fruit, veggies, and I limit my carbs. Soy i have on a limited basis.. unless it's soy...
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    you been work at Real Estate?

    there are schools that teach you real estate. you can do that, or do filings. Most offices also require phone work. Being a real estate agent means a lot of phone calls with clients, sellers, lawyers, banks ect ect.
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    Food Service positions

    I'm completely deaf, clearsky. I got by on lipreading and having them point out what they want.. or if they were blind, I asked others to help since the blind couldn't really understand my voice due to the "deaf" voice.
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    Jack Thompson Told To Take Psych Test

    Jack Thompson (attorney) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) This guy does sound like a weirdo..IMO.
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    District files appeal against deaf student

    Ok.. WHy do you have to find "sense" in having deaf children? Why don't you see the blessing they are in your lives? There's no "sense" in having deaf children. It's what you were given for a reason.
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    Deaf filmmaker aims to show hearing, nonhearing people are on equal playing field

    YOu don't need to be a millionare to make a movie.. Just need a video camera, film and a computer.. Geez..