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  1. B

    Dog has upset stomach? Make this.....

    I believe cats can eat vegetables as well. But check with your vet. Dogs and Cats won't get sick from all vegetables, only certain types. It's best to check with your vet and see what they say.
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    vanessa hudgens scandal

    the pictures can be found at Disney is standing behind Vanessa. they will not replace her on high school musical. Vanessa did make a public apology and all that. You really think they'd replace her just for 1 photograph? She makes them millions with the HSM shows. Check...
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    deafness due to psychotropic drugs??

    Go see your doctor. I know that some medications can have unexpected reactions in some people. best thing to do is ask your doctor, let him/her know your symptoms and what has transpired. They can help you better than we can.
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    Dog has upset stomach? Make this.....

    I read a lot of dog blogs. And since I'm considering getting a dog and possibly putting them on a diet called BARF.. which is basically Raw food. you can look it up online.. I read that Pumpkin is good for upset stomaches or diarrhea. But it should be Ground, since dogs don't digest foods the...
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    What about signwriting?

    Ok, everyone knows my history, so i won't rehash it. I agree SEE is cumbersome for most. But if it's the only signing that a deaf person knows, and can use to communicate, then honestly, let them use it to communicate. Eventually they will conform to a PSE if their arms felt the way mine did...
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    Why?? (No offense)

    Personally, I think STD's can be caught by anyone, not just gay men. I did read a lot about the HIV/AIDS/STD spread but I didn't believe it when most people targeted the homosexual community. I felt this was a bias against them. I know a few straight people who have STD's. It's not just the...
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    "Low Function"

    I know there are deaf people with disablilites.. What I'm trying to say is.. should we really label those with disablilites as "low function" just because they have that disability?
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    For you financial wizards out there ...

    i'd put it in an ING account and leave it there. you can probubly get more money after 10 years if you just leave it.
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    "Low Function"

    I've seen this term used sometimes. And I don't understand why it's used, but I don't think it's right to use the term. I had a friend who was using this term to describe his girlfriend, who had dyslexia or something like that. I'm not sure exactly what. I've seen people use this term to...
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    What women want ...

    hey, my boyfriend's a nice guy, so there are women who like nice guys! And Money does NOT buy happiness,so it ain't even on my list.
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    Miracle Benefits Of Liquid Chlorophyll And Raw Honey

    Just because you believe it works, doesn't mean the rest of us will. For most people, they prefer to have their doctor say it's ok. Homopathic (sp?) therapies can work, but they're not for everyone, and most people would rather check with their doctors. Because doctors are trained in this...
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    The Veterinarian

    One Sunday, in counting the money in the weekly offering, the pastor of a small church found a pink envelope containing $1,000. It happened again the next week. The following Sunday, he watched as the offering was collected and saw a little old lady put the distinctive pink envelope in the...
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    Opinion on "cosmetics"

    I don't see dental work, HA's, and eye correction as cosmetic surgery. I see cosmetic surgery as things like breast lifts, tummy tucks, botox, and other "enhancements" of the body. Makeup I generally don't wear unless it's a special occasion. I seriously don't get people who wear so much. Like...
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    Sign Language?

    You can use sign with your children if they are willing to learn. there is a group of dvds called signing time that teach you signs, and there are other dvds as well, I am not sure which ones.
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    remind Princess Diana's 10th anniversary on her death

    According to the link provided, After Elizabeth Dies, Charles will take the throne, If he dies before Elizabeth, William takes the throne. And so on... The Royal Family > Titles and succession > Succession What this basically means is that Camilla (charles' current wife) will not be queen...
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    remind Princess Diana's 10th anniversary on her death

    Diana's divorce from Charles took away her chance to be Queen of England. So she would not become Queen. I believe William is the current Crown Prince and will become King if Queen Elizabeth dies. I'm not postive tho.
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    Sign Language?

    While I didn't have the same expierence of strictly oral as most, I did become deaf from spinal mengentisis. Almost everyone knows my story, started out oral and gradually learned sign over the years until started using it full time in middle school and high school. my suggestion, since you're...
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    hearing and lipreading

    while Tousi is right to a point. there are some lipreaders who can read more than that, and have to fill in the gaps ourselves. I've been lipreading for almost 24 years now, And while I catch most of what is said, there are some words I do have problems understanding, plus there are some...
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    What women want ...

    I just want someone who will encourage me, push me beyond my limits, understand my beliefs, and support my dreams. It's really simple. So many men think they know what women want, when really, they have no clue.
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    sign language versus ear implants

    HAHAHA! Funny. HOH do have problems with understanding; just like the deaf do. And HOH do need Sign just like deaf. not all HOH understand what is going on. I know because I lived with a HOH guy for 6 years, and I grew up with a few people who were HOH.