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  1. D

    Hello from northern California!

    Welcome Welcome!!
  2. D

    What are you getting your significant other for the Holidays?

    Yeah I was thinking the same. :hmm: Cannot share it where significant other may read it. :shock: :giggle:
  3. D

    Bad Example at a Retirement Home

    oh my gosh lol
  4. D


    I had a dream of bats, years ago when I was young, maybe around 16 yr old. My dream have no surrounding environment. I dreamed of a guy I met/know who is just standing there and I was standing several yards from him. I wanted to step closer to him, but I was rooted at the spot. We never spoken a...
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    Deaf Events in DC or Northern Va?

    What about Roanoke?!?!!
  6. D

    How Many of You Have Been Divorced?

    I agreed. I do better in marriage life than in single life. I just simple dislike being single. I believe I'm happier in marriage life. :roll:
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    Licensed Marriage Counselor

    I dunno about licensed marriage counselor but I do know a counselor (not free) who can do counseling through videophone. I have counseling with him, dealing with my personal issues each week through videophone.
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    I wondered if those who have been a member of AD for 6 months and never post a thing, would the mod remove them?
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    I would (blank) the person above me.

    I would :cheers: the person above me.
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    Long Distance Relationship

    :wave: Hi TDG! I'm from Virginia, too! Ah well it doesn't have to very far like oversea or coast to coast (west and east). It can be like VA & TN, which is only 6 hours apart from each other. Are you willing to be in relationship with someone who is 1 or 2 hours away? I understand that...
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    I want to know something

    My boyfriend started to lose his hearing at age 15. His hearing loss are somewhat gradually. The hearing loss rate varies. He calls himself deaf while I think he is bit more of hard of hearing to me comparing to my profound deafness. Heehe. I do not know it it is hard for him at all because his...
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    There are list of members on the bottom of the Forums (Total members that have visited the forum in the last 24 hours) I noticed a few that seems to be fairly long. Which one do you think is really the longest?
  13. D

    Really want a penpal

    Oh really? How are they better than FarmVille? I mean I am bored with FarmVille.....tired of clicking this again and again.... And erm, right we're going off topic....isn't there a thread about Facebook Games?
  14. D

    Long Distance Relationship

    Just FYI ..... -copied and pasted from Wikipedia "long distance relationship"- The benefits of long distance relationships * Partners in a long distance relationship develop a strong sense of trust. * Because of the large distance between the partners, they learn to appreciate...
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    Hey, what's up?

    Welcome Welcome! Enjoy your stay!
  16. D

    Hi everyone

    Hi Josh
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    It just that I saw Bestwayaroundit joined AD recently and I thought to myself, wow that's a long screen name. And it made me wonder if there is anyone here have the longest screen name.
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    Anyone here in alldeaf have the longest screen name?
  19. D

    I would (blank) the person above me.

    Fill in the blank and see what you have to say and how long we can make this go...