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    New law could see President Arnie

    we're a country of imigrants. nobody can get elected president (usually) against the will of the people. there is no chance castro could ever get elected!
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    dd, you're probably right. it was Lane who put "audist" into mainstream use.
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    Rush checks into the rehab following announcement....

    What goes around, comes around. Rush is getting his due now. I hope he's buried in his own crap.
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    New law could see President Arnie

    Well, if we're gonna waive restrictions, we might as well lift the two-term restriction and get Clinton back in office to get the economy rolling again.
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    Coast Guard banned deaf man from his OWN boat

    I think there is more to this story that we have not been told. perhaps the deaf guy was behaving badly and the CG just threw the book at him.
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    Acting "Gay"

    all these labels and definations ("act gay") are the result of a predjuced society. Ignore the labels and the way some people insist how others are "supposed" to act and just accept everybody as they really are: human beings.
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    RIAA at RIT

    Get the hint kids -- if you got illegally downloaded mp3 files, delete now unless you're rich enough to hire a lawyer to prove you deserve "free" music!!! So far nobody has won. Why would you win? PS: if you DO get caught, the first thing your lawyer will ask you is this: Why didn't you...
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    Myths and lies about CIs . . .

    dd, yes dogs hear in higher freqency range. the buzz you hear at supermarket isn't really sound . . . you're "listening" to an EMF -- to simplify, the electromagnet field is causing your HA to "overload" and buzz. it is possible to "hear" radio signals on your HA due to the "crystal radio...
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    Is CSD a monopoly?

    There is no reason why anybody else can set up their own agency and compete with CSD. Its a free country.
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    U.S. Government Wastes Up to $100 Billion - Report

    not to mention the 800 Billion already to spent to topple the iraq govt. After spending 800 Billion we have found neither 1)WMD or 2) Saddam.
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    why so many rules?

    Answer: Fear. Ben Bahan, Roz Rosen, Harlan Lane and their co-horts have spread FEAR amongst the members of the deaf community -- "either you're with us or you're AGAINST us." These people believe that ASL must be saved at all costs -- even at the expense of your your right to choose...
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    informations about c.i.

    sabrina said: "do surgery their metal head with device stuck with wire on their adorable heads." either substanticate this claim or admit to making this lie up. parents of deaf children will not appreciate being decieved by either militant oralists or deaf culture militants. State the...
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    Shrub's latest Dollar Bill!

    I know I know, I shoulda paid more attention when handling money, but when you're slaving all day over the deef fryer, the fumes will get to you too . . . thank God Bush failed to cut my minimum wage pay!
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    Rumsfeld: Bush $87B Request Is Affordable

    NBC Poll: Bush rating lowest ever! WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 — George W. Bush is in the worst political trouble of his presidency, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Wednesday night. Bush’s approval rating now stands at 49 percent, the lowest point of his tenure...
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    U.S. customs denies gay couple...

    "I rather have my rights stripped away just to be safe" :barf: :barf: :barf: I rather be DEAD than be stripped of my rights. But you have a right to your opinion so thanks for posting! :D
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    U.S. customs denies gay couple...

    as long as Bush is in the White House, NOTHING is going to improve. remember this in 2004. tell your friends to vote for the other guy.
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    Treasure trove of Reagan letters

    Thats alright! He was an actor and he fooled my grandmother as well. People though he was charming all the while Reagan was trying to cut social security benefits for retired folks. Reagan failed at that because Congress wouldn't let him.
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    Braun formally launches 2004 presidential bid

    I think this is good for all the democrats. the pool just gets better and better and if the GOP thinks they've got the election pigeonholed, they're in for a surprise.
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    Treasure trove of Reagan letters

    water sez: "I liked Ronald Reagan, I think he did some good -- of course, he did make some mistakes here and there. Don't all presidents do?" while it was nice of you to say nice things about reagan, sorry, but I can't agree with you. Reagan set us back into the dark ages and we're still...
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    Kennedy blasts Bush about war issues

    hey, its hard to please everybody . . . okay how about this: Alaska :rl: