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  1. DGirl101

    born with second head

    I remember this one...this was on the TLC channel a while back. The parents of the cojoined twins were faced with a decision. If the cojoined twins were not separated the parasitic twin would deprive the other of the needed nutrients, oxygen in the blood, and so on. They faced ' Keep them...
  2. DGirl101

    Woman Gives Birth While Driving

    ...hardly no pain... ...the dream of the majority of women in child birth.... That didn't happen for me. I screamed loud enough for the little eldery ladies down the hall to hear me. They honestly thought someone was killing me. :lol:
  3. DGirl101

    Am I overreacting???

    You know, what saddens me is the fact that I have been fair, I have compromised more than I care to compromise. I requested instead of demanded. I have done everything I could to be reasonable and courteous when I feel that he doesn't deserve it. I respect the judge and her decision. I don't...
  4. DGirl101

    Am I overreacting???

    I never thought of that. I will send an email to her asking about that option.
  5. DGirl101

    Am I overreacting???

    I have asked time and time again from the school to allow me to speak to my sons teachers. I never get a response back. The Principle of the school was one of the afadavits my ex turned in. However, because I turned in my sons actual discliplinary report from my sons file. The principles...
  6. DGirl101

    Am I overreacting???

    Hence why I spoke to them about it upon the day I found out about it. They agreed and felt that they should have called the police. If my parents didn't why didn't anyone else? :(
  7. DGirl101

    Am I overreacting???

    They would have. They were in the car getting ready to get out when his father came out of the store. Again, I told them if something like this happened or anything else they witnessed. Call the police.
  8. DGirl101

    Am I overreacting???

    I asked them that. They said his father came out just as they got into the parking spot. He nearly ran to his car and took off real fast. Please dont think they enable his father. I told them the next time they see something. They must call the police. They agreed and felt guilty for not...
  9. DGirl101

    Am I overreacting???

    I do have an attorney, the private investigator I don't due to lack of finances to pay for one. I am helping my attorney out as much as possible.
  10. DGirl101

    Am I overreacting???

    She does not favor him, in the court order she stated that (in layman's term, politely) He needs to grow up. She has seen all of my proof, afadavits from all people in organisations who have worked with me in the past with my situation back then. She is allowing the chance for me and my sons...
  11. DGirl101

    Am I overreacting???

    I took care of that a long time ago. I even went as far as saying nothing about their father or the case or the custody case in front of them. They do not need to be exposed to that, it only causes anguish for them, and because it will effect them I opted to have counseling for them and for me...
  12. DGirl101

    Am I overreacting???

    I did talk to my attorney about this. I am asking if I am overreacting. Yes I am angry...No I will not go after him and cut his nuts off. I won't go near him... I dont know what my son did. His fathers form of disclipline is harsh. One month upstairs on his bed. Nothing to occupy his...
  13. DGirl101

    muslims butt hurt by drawings

    CBS? Is it CBS??
  14. DGirl101

    Overly Affectionate

    Man.....can you rub a little of that on my boyfriend? No such thing as too much affection in my book. :lol: I LOVE being touched, cuddled, kissed, held, definately a back rub would be nice. I like to return it too, makes me feel good and safe.
  15. DGirl101

    I am lonely

    You could come here to Iowa... Lots of lovely ladies here. Mt. Rushmore is beautiful when they set off the fireworks. It's about 8 hours away from here. :P Visit the Badlands! Go to Sturgis this fall. It's a part of life that no parent wants to go through, but they have to. The kids...
  16. DGirl101

    muslims butt hurt by drawings

    Hmmm....:hmm: okay...imagine me standing there with a dear in the headlights look and a hand going over my head. I don't get it right now. But I will.... in about a month probably. :lol:
  17. DGirl101

    San Diego Faces Own Medicine as Arizona Residents Cancel Travel Following............

    :lol: I can imagine you doing the eye roll with a shake of your head thinking 'Sheesh, what is with people these days?' Shel...your daughter is strong, because of you. Who cares what others think of you or her. ;)
  18. DGirl101

    muslims butt hurt by drawings

    Could someone please tell Foxrac what MSM is? I would like to know too. What is the tongue in cheek joke that has to do with MSM?
  19. DGirl101

    Am I overreacting???

    Recently, my parents had seen my ten year old son sitting in his father's car crying. He was alone in a wal mart parking lot in the car crying while his father and his 8 year old brother were in the store shopping. They pulled into a parking space one row over and they said they could hear him...