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  1. DGirl101

    Heat Wave of 2010

    Ohhhh was like trying to breathe through a wet rag in a stove. I was in Iowa City that day and the next. It was awful.
  2. DGirl101


    Thank You Bottes! :ty: :D
  3. DGirl101


    Part of the Des Moines (I think it is the west fork) River runs through Estherville and normally the water level is not high enough to go over the edge. ....but this year it has been at its worse flooding almost reaching the street running parallel to it about 150 feet away. But if you...
  4. DGirl101


    What town? If you don't mind my asking?
  5. DGirl101


    The storms have been ridiculous here in the past few weeks. Loads of lightening, thunder loud enough to shake my house, not only that....there have been sightings of tornadoes within 30 minutes of drive time of where I live. Trees down all over, power out in several places..... Gah!
  6. DGirl101

    Booty Pop Underwear Craze Booming

    Is skinny with a :booty: like J. Lo I don't think I will be buying Booty Pop underwear...LOL Got too much as it is!
  7. DGirl101

    Off to Chicago!

    Chicago is only 6 hours away from here! I would go if there is an AD meet there.
  8. DGirl101

    Discipline-What Methods Do You Use?

    In a world where spanking is frowned upon, what do you (or did you do) to discipline your children? How did you get them to understand your rules and stand by them? What type of disciplinarian are you? See below for the types of parenting. Authoritive- Parents who balance out control...
  9. DGirl101

    parent/kid activities

    I think this is an excellent thread, do you mind at all if other ideas can be put here for parents who are looking for ways to have fun with their kids? In this day and age kids are spending more time on video games and watching TV. I think it's a good thing to have the good value of having...
  10. DGirl101

    Emergency Unemployment Benefits Fillibustered Again by GOP

    It would not be possible at the moment. One reason, my children. I am trying to fight for custody of my children. Right now they are stressed as it is and adding to their stress by moving is going to make it difficult on them. Their father is not a nice man, and my boys are not doing well at his...
  11. DGirl101

    First Sign Language Message from Space

    :applause::applause::applause::applause::applause::applause: Awesome! :D
  12. DGirl101

    Feds to monitor BMI

    Hey don't get discouraged by the number the BMI claims. :aw: What matters is what you have accomplished. Which is a lot! How tall are you? From the looks of you in your pictures, I think you're a smokin hot woman! :wave:
  13. DGirl101

    Feds to monitor BMI

    It is possible actually...rare...but it can happen so I hear. My mother worked in a lab, and was often the one that had to collect the samples for Drug Tests. She warned that there has been cases of a test failed from second hand. I also learned this from my Development Psychology...
  14. DGirl101

    David Cameron refuses to fly private. Saves 300k

    Off Topic here.... Have you started to read 'Catcher in the Rye' lately?
  15. DGirl101

    North Korea Performing Amputations Without Anesthesia in Dismal Report on Health Syst

    It's sad... This was how it was done in the past here in the USA too during the Revolutionary War and Civil War. It had to be done or they lose their life. Wish it wasn't so in North Korea or anywhere in the world for that matter.
  16. DGirl101

    Emergency Unemployment Benefits Fillibustered Again by GOP

    I don't demand it, it helps though. I searching and searching.
  17. DGirl101

    Emergency Unemployment Benefits Fillibustered Again by GOP

    Do you know that Unemployment offers a program that will allow someone to go to school....they will continue to recieve unemployment for the duration of the year or 2 years in school? Without that...Most people who have been laid off and decided to go to school have to drop out of school to...
  18. DGirl101

    Feds to monitor BMI

    Agree....AND stay away from people who smoke pot.... you can fail a drug test from second hand smoke.
  19. DGirl101

    Emergency Unemployment Benefits Fillibustered Again by GOP

    Foxrac.... Thats like someone telling you that they EXPECT you to get rid of all of your games and game consoles by the end of the week, no ifs, ands or buts about it. Should you word it another way? My boyfriend, knowing this would happen has been looking for a job everywhere. Even...