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  1. missy

    AD members

    too bad i cant go to BF due to the performance i gotta give next week- full 4 nights and all.. dammit. anyway, i know some from here.
  2. missy

    is it true that sexyvenusgirl is

    e- your icon bothers me.. dont tell me i got it wrong, but did you shave??
  3. missy

    the h20 is here...

    warm greetings & welcome to AD! ;) meme is milana- from nyc- but attends to md skool for the deaf- and will attend gally this fall. :)
  4. missy

    My Life Has Changed

    :shock: shit, i almost fell for it. i was in shock- i couldnt imagine elyse gettin pregnant and all that. shit- but wait, im gunna wait til alex confirms that its for real.. i think hes tryin to fool us. ;) theres no way im goin to be fooled by him ;)
  5. missy

    got accepted to...

    ahhh- damn. time flies... and dont tell me the third one is on its way already, lol.
  6. missy

    got accepted to...

    ah, yes! see you around ;)
  7. missy

    got accepted to...

    *gasps* yess! its me.. and its you?! damn! been long time since the last time i talked to you.. and dont tell me you got TWO children already?! thanks btw!
  8. missy

    got accepted to...

    what?? did ya apply for gally?
  9. missy

    got accepted to...

    thanks everyone! :D for those people who will go to gally this fall, SEE U! ;)
  10. missy

    What do you style your hair with?

    Dep ;) it rocks my world. its like the only thing that will work on my curls- while with others, itll just go frizz or something.
  11. missy

    At sunset

    ooh, yea- defintiely magnificent
  12. missy

    How do u sleep?

    i usually sleep on my tummy ;)
  13. missy

    Deaf Awarness Day from Kings Dominion

    probably- a day right after my prom, eh. ill see if i can go.
  14. missy

    World Deaf Federation in Montreal, Canada

    i might go... my mama will go there and she wants me to go with her, but i'm not sure yet.
  15. missy

    Post a picture of your senior picture

    thanks :wiggle:
  16. missy

    got accepted to...

    eep, didnt know that you were also a member of AD... i remmy i met ya in the deaf chatroom- im also known as citymissy. ;) well, my bad then! heheh. howdyyy!
  17. missy

    got accepted to...

    :wave: yuppies, it was me. ;)
  18. missy

    Dream Job

    a well known model.
  19. missy

    got accepted to...

    GALLAUDET UNIVERSITY today... hardly can wait since its my dream college! just wonderin- who else will go there this fall for sure??