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    Spider burrowed into scar, crawled through man's body

    Uuuuuuuuggghhhhhhhhhhhh. Disgusting.
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    Hearing steadily getting worse, learn ASL now?

    I find that just going at it helps. This is all very good advice. I've been studying (intensively) for 2.5 years now (had some familiarity with it before, though, but not much), and people are surprised sometimes at what level I'm in (officially). The key thing is to try your best, and to...
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    What are you doing right now?

    Browsing AllDeaf and playing hooky......Really didn't want to go to class today, and I have three books I'm reading that solidify my reasoning.
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    What do you mean by living in an apartment? I'm a third-year student at CSUN, so feel free to PM me with any questions (or just respond on this thread, or whatever).
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    I'm Slightly Uncomfortable With This Assignment....Opinions?

    Yeah, that's what made me uncomfortable. I ended up using a "conversation" that I've had with many people, that's really just a story about an interaction I had with a previous roommate, so it's not just one specific person's conversation. The reactions are always pretty much the same, so the...
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    What are you doing right now?

    I love it! The campus is great, and we have a wonderful library. The people in Deaf Studies are really awesome, too. Food's pretty good (for the most part), the coffee shops are great....people are nice..... My only complaint is the sometimes irritating transport between dorms and campus...
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    What are you doing right now?

    My dad went back to school for IT stuff (don't remember exactly), so we were both in college at the same time. It was interesting, and I remember admiring the fact that he was in school as well as taking care of my brother and I, the house, and doing stuff for my mom. He graduated with honors...
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    What are you doing right now?

    :lol: When I'm here, absolutely. I live in the dorms at CSUN, three hours away. I leave for the dorms tonight and will be back out here this weekend to help move the rest of the stuff. I have wished her good luck with my brother.....He's 21 and mildly conceited, doesn't have time for...
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    Are you patient with new/slow signers?

    I agree with caz. I do my best to be patient with new signers, but if I'm in a hurry, I have patience for no one. Also, if I'm interrupted. I was talking with my roommate about where she wanted to sit, we were in a dining hall, clearly trying to hurry, and a kid taps me on the shoulder, takes...
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    Asl teaching: on behalf of the Deaf community

    Ok, my opinion (remember, I'm not Deaf) is that it's best to learn from a native user, period. If a hearing teacher is proficient (read: incredibly, preferably natively, fluent) and there is literally no Deaf teacher willing or able to take the position, then it'll do in a pinch. Depending on...
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    I'm Slightly Uncomfortable With This Assignment....Opinions?

    Eh I'm going to use a convo with my roommate as a basic inspiration, but then make stuff up to flesh it out. I'll tell my roomie. I'll let y'all know about the grade when I get it.
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    Asl teaching: on behalf of the Deaf community

    My roommate had a deaf ASL teacher who learned sign in college.....My other roommate (native Deaf ASL user) and I (not native, not Deaf, but I've been using ASL consistently for years now) are trying to break the bad habits she developed in those classes..... I'm all for native ASL users...
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    What are you doing right now?

    No actual diagnosis. We're assuming it's a bug. They sent her home with some medication and she's doing well on that front. Her diet's moving closer to normal, but she's still going for milder foods. Since we just moved, She thinks it's a combination of stress, a bug, and all the fast food...
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    A positive thread about absolutely nothing

    This is an excellent idea.
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    What did you learn today?

    I learned that some of the nurses at the local ER have a great sense of humor.
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    What are you doing right now?

    I've had worse, but thanks. I'm hoping my teacher takes pity on me and allows me to turn in my project either late or not to her expectations, and is chill about me missing class again. This whole moving thing sucks.
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    What are you doing right now?

    Just got back from the ER with my mom. She was just discharged from the hospital this morning having had constant nausea and vomiting, then while moving today she accidentally tore a toenail off...... I'm going to miss my class tomorrow.
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    I'm Slightly Uncomfortable With This Assignment....Opinions?

    That's the best kind of comedy, tbh.
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    I'm Slightly Uncomfortable With This Assignment....Opinions?

    Ooooooh I need to catch up on their stuff, I've fallen WAY behind. Sent from my SM-G900V using AllDeaf App mobile app