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  1. S

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Just watched The Hobbit (for the first time). I liked it, but not as well as the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
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    Signing the alphabet

    Always in. I think the pictures that look like palm-out are just showing the handshape so the signer knows how to form their hands.
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    ASL for mainstreamed D/HOH kids?

    I found that when I made signing a game with my niece, she likes it a lot more, and picks up on it better. She's hearing, but she was late speaking so I taught her sign. Now that she doesn't rely on it to communicate, she's somewhat reluctant to learn at times (Though, after seeing me talk to...
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    I forgot: Up by Mt Shasta, on the Fourth of July, they have a STUNNING fireworks display. I was there with my brother and we figured it'd be a tiny little thing, but nope. It's over the lake, and is absolutely amazing.
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    Ooooh, people are right. Mount Shasta's beautiful!!! Another overlooked are is the Anderson Valley. It's a couple hours north of San Francisco and is full of gorgeous, barely-touched redwood forests! San Francisco is fun, I don't like Los Angeles. If you're big on seeing the main tourist...
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    ASL at Deaf Universities

    Hey, I'm currently at Cal State Northridge (CSUN) and we have people of all upbringings here. I'm in the Lighthouse Dorm, which is for Deaf/HoH, and Deaf Studies Majors, and is a primarily ASL environment, but if you don't know ASL, or are learning, it's fine. My RA came here not knowing much...
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    Weather in your region and how you handle it?

    In SoCal it's just wet right now. And quite nice, compared to other people on here. I like the cold, but my mom deals with our 40-50 degree temps with a fire, blanket, slippers, and a hot drink. Sometimes she goes upstairs and huddles under her covers.
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    Alldeaf and Deafblind

    My roomie (Deafblind) Has the same problem with the mouse cursor, but she has a program that enlarges it and turns it a bright yellow. She uses invert brightness as well.
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    What was the last movie you watched?

    I'm trying to locate a place to watch Classic Who online, since Netflix only has discs, but I've seen all of New Who. I'm rewatching the series, and I'm on the beginning of season 3, the episode with Shakespeare, by myself. With my nieces I've started Matt Smith, since he's goofy and my...
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    What was the last movie you watched?

    I watched "And Your Name is Jonah" for my ASL class. But lately I've been on a Dr. Who spree....
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    What did you learn today?

    I have learned that I really, REALLY don't want to go to my Deaf Studies class. Also, Halloween Mac and Cheese uses less butter and milk than regular Mac and Cheese.
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    Doctor Who Quiz(for fans)

    1.I love Ten, but...Eleven. I love how Matt Smith portrays the Doctor. 2.Bowties, 'cause bowties are cool. 3.Glasses. 4.Hmm...Donna.....Amy and Rory. 5.I'm a history nerd....I'd run around everywhere. I'd love, though, LOVE to see the Italian Renaissance. 6. I have no idea. I love the Weeping...
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    JOKE: The Deaf Enforcer

    Love that one!
  14. S

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Last movie I watched in full was the Avengers. Still haven't seen the Hunger Games -.- . This makes me sad. Wait! I saw And Your Name is Jonah, for ASL. Good movie. I really liked it.
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    Should Big Bird be Killed OFF???

    PBS makes up an incredibly small part of the Government's budget, and only gets about 15% of its funding from the government. It most likely will be able to stick around. I think it's mostly the stations (news or otherwise) that receive a good chunk of their budget from the government that are...
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    What did you do today? Part II

    Intro to Deaf Studies class. Really interesting, we're discussing education methods for the Deaf and communication systems used and audism and such. We had a cricket visitor, and I learned my teacher doesn't mind them being around, but doesn't like to be too close.
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    I had a friend who was a Jehovah's Witness....

    My mom knew someone who, when they answered the door and the Jehova's witnesses asked if she'd found Jesus. She looked at them and was like "How do you people keep losing him? Did you check behind the couch?"
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    What did you do today? Part II

    I had class. First, ASL 1 (kinda boring, as I know most of the material, but hey. A good foundation never hurt), then home for lunch, then Developmental Differences (discussing IDEA and IEPs and whatnot...very interesting) then season premiere of Supernatural... Then cleaning, now (soon) bed.
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    This is Too Funny, People Said This In Court.

    That's great!! If I ended up with a stupid lawyer, I'd cry....