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  1. athleticandy88

    "Give Up"

    Yes I'm active, I run cross-country & track and Field and I'm 18 year old going into my senior year next year and do I have the right type of aids, i'm not too sure I have phonak digitals. ill keep trying don't worry!
  2. athleticandy88

    "Give Up"

    I mean seriously, it just seems like a waste to wear if I have to send them in daily, and if thats the case I should just not wear them and get use to not wearing them and learn more knowledge of reading lips which I can do about 38% of the time out of 50. :dunno:
  3. athleticandy88

    "Give Up"

    I like to be so Perseverance about things but hearing aids really do make me upset, I'm happy when they work because I can hear what goes on but other then that It sucks when they don't work. I really don't know what to do afterwards later-on in the future!
  4. athleticandy88

    Senators and Congressman

    hey actually i will find out tomorrow but my counsler from school told me that the Lion club said they can help, so when I go in tomorrow ill find out if they gave me a grant to get new hearing aids or to replace my olds one but who knows..
  5. athleticandy88

    what kind of hearing loss you have?

    I was told I have a 95% loss.
  6. athleticandy88

    Supero 413 AZ

    Yeah you might want to find stuff out like that to see if the damage is what kind of problem you know what Im saying, but I have nobody to ask expect my audiologist because I have no hard of hearing/deaf friends, Im the only-one at my school and it really sucks!
  7. athleticandy88

    Senators and Congressman

    I am in need of new hearing aids and I was told to write the Senators and congressman since it's begaining to be the time of the year where they will help people to get them to vote for them. Is that true? Oh,well if it's not then I guess i'll be sending my letter as a try but anyhow, I have...
  8. athleticandy88

    Supero 413 AZ

    these thing really do suck, I mean badly, I am 2 week without my Digitals Supero 413 AZ because of moisture.. I mean seriously it like every week or whatever i take them into get repaired. I am looking for grants, can someone help me please? I like to have $400.00 to get my old phonak hearing...
  9. athleticandy88

    Message From Columbus,ohio

    :wackit: dat's 1 bad monkey, lol but anyhow let me introduce myself. Hi, my name is andy i am currently 17 year old and will be 18 in april, I am hard of hearing with 2 digital hearing aids, I attend a regular school that doesn't offer too much of hard of hearing classes but a special...