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  1. athleticandy88

    MUST READ, this may help you or a friend

    Please pass thing alone to you or any other friend/family of yours. I am very serious about this and this is no joke! please get with me if you have any questions. thanks andy
  2. athleticandy88

    MUST READ, this may help you or a friend

    PhonakSupero - Phonak Supero 413 AZ
  3. athleticandy88

    Deaf Runers?

    Wanna chat, become pen pals online.. AIM @ athleticandy88
  4. athleticandy88

    Special Education -site I've made but got blocked

    Ok, maybe I've wrote to much or something, but can someone please read this and give me some advice of what I should do, or what you think about it? thanks
  5. athleticandy88

    Are there any?

    Cross-Country & track & Field deaf or hard of hearing runners? I am a 4 year varsity for Cross with a PR at 17:42 and 3 varsity letter for Track. give me a shout sometimes. Welcome To My Page! -- "I Don't Break, I Build"
  6. athleticandy88

    Special Education -site I've made but got blocked

    you may be able to see it at but if not, here this. It's about me and my classes and I am being used by the government. you may reach me at aim @ athleticandy88, (aim name) So please tell me what you think? Major problems with mainstream classes I...
  7. athleticandy88 for sale!

    What is the offer at right now? I'm curious into doing this! maybe $20.00? idk
  8. athleticandy88


    On the way to school this morining it started to rain! so I pulled in the parking lot where the Student park and went to a closer door to get into the door and I was told once before that they were not allowed to open it because they could get written up! well, finally a teacher comes up and...
  9. athleticandy88

    New law passed about burn US flag is banned

    In Boy Scout, we burned the flag with respect, we'll cut it and put each stripe in at one at a time, like the Red stripe, let it burn, white stripe let it burn and then after each stripe his burned we'll place the blue square on the fire and than sulute until it is burned
  10. athleticandy88

    What Size is your pants?

    I'm a guy I'm a guy and I wear 32/34s
  11. athleticandy88

    I need help.

    I am hard of hearing, 18 and a senior in Highschool in grove city, Ohio. I am the only one in my family that has a hearing problem and I live only with my father, I dont have a job but I do have alot of trouble keepin up with my hearing aid due to moisture from running crosscountry in HS sports...
  12. athleticandy88

    High School Cross Country

    Does anyone here do cross-country that wears hearing aids, I have a supero 413 AZ hearing aid and I run and I'm having alot of trouble, with the moisture and my hearing aid dry box doesn't help as much as it should be, but anyhow I want to know if there anybody else out there that runs XC and...
  13. athleticandy88

    water resistant/water proof hearing aides? Check this out, I'm looking further into investigation through my audiologist since I am a(n) Cross-Country athlete for High School..
  14. athleticandy88

    How to post on

    here how to do it its not hard at all, all you have to do is have a save video file that will work with wmp!! Windows Media player, like you can go to my myspace at and see my Video from youtube. but go to it for eaiser access & click the video and it'll take you to...
  15. athleticandy88

    Laptop/Windows ME Error

    I was on Microsoft Excel and I clicked the PREVIEW button which is right next to the PRINTER botton on the top above the spreadsheet. under the file tab (sorta), but it's on my laptop and I do not have a printer hooked up or anything and I have my setting on there as no printer but I clicked...
  16. athleticandy88

    Digital Hearing aids Dislike

    Anyone here have a digital hearing aid that really love with the sound and everything but when it comes to the life and the shortness you get tired and sick of it? I have phonak digital hearing around that is $2,500.00 each and I take them back every other week to get repaired, due to sweat, &...
  17. athleticandy88

    Never Say You Can't.

    I am a junior here at my Highschool and this past December of 2005, I was introducted into National Honor society and then called to the principal office saying that I am the only one in 4 highschools in the district that was in a learning disabilitie class that been introducted into a such high...
  18. athleticandy88

    VBR question???

    Can someone just please write in here of anything instead of just stopping by to view it:'(.. please I would like to know this place can do for me, Thanks
  19. athleticandy88

    VBR question???

    I am having some money situations and other little problems, and someone told me to go talk to the VBR, first of all. 1.)Whats does the VBR stand for? 2.)What can the VBR do for me? 3.)What should I ask, if I were to contact them? If thoughs can get answered I be happy enough. so...
  20. athleticandy88

    Greetings from OH

    I'm located in Grove City, OHIO. about 10-15 minutes from Columbus!! :whistle: