Search results

  1. deafdrummer

    AT&T unthrottle LTE data

    Please change your thread heading from "AT&T unthrottle unlimited LTE data" to "AT&T unthrottle LTE data." With 3 or 5 GB data plans, there's nothing unlimited about it. Go over the limit, and they charge you another $10 for the extra GB. Typical Western mindset about money...
  2. deafdrummer

    SSI/SSDI benefits

    A third choice is to simply die. I mean, your body is going to die eventually. It's a matter of when.
  3. deafdrummer

    SSI/SSDI benefits

    I'm one of those people are referring to here. I'm not even 50 and have been on SSDI off-and-on for over 15 years. It's been very difficult getting myself into a job where I can make substantially more alone than I make with part-time work and SSDI combined. It's like this. Why work twice as...
  4. deafdrummer

    Deaf Hindus?

    Namaste to any deaf Hindus who might be on this forum. I am looking for someone to PM with on Hinduism as a deaf Sanātani. It is very hard to find any deaf Hindus anywhere online. Praṇāma, Stephanie
  5. deafdrummer

    Auditory Memory?

    I do remember very clearly what it was like to live in the silent world. I call that the Deaf Years, up to seven and a half years old. For some reason, my memories of that time are very strong. I can even remember crawling on the floor of a jet plane when I was almost 3 years old, so small...
  6. deafdrummer

    Mom of 20 year old Hard of hearing son.

    Shellcona, I wish the same thing had happened to me, to have been shunted into a Deaf program, forever hiding my lip-reading and verbal languages abilities, and finding other skills and talents in an alternate life. At times, I feel I would be willing to trade this life for a life that Deaf...
  7. deafdrummer

    Auditory Memory?

    I have this a lot. I hear various songs from time to time every day, when I think I want to hear something up here for a few seconds. This auditory memory is also how I remember very long passwords that don't make any sense. I can't write it down without sounding it out first. I can recite...
  8. deafdrummer

    Mom of 20 year old Hard of hearing son.

    Just my humble opinion from my life experience. As he is young, still, may I suggest total immersion in Deaf Culture and language for five solid years? If he decides to go elsewhere after college/trade school, then whenever he can find a deaf community, he may fit in better than in the hearing...
  9. deafdrummer

    Cataract Surgery

    I know what you mean, but once they numb your eye, you don't feel anything. You simply lay there and see but a single light of the microscope above you and watch what happens from your perspective. It doesn't hurt at all. Just remember to take your hearing aid off on the side of the eye they...
  10. deafdrummer

    Cataract Surgery

    Why are these cataracts showing up earlier and earlier in people's histories?
  11. deafdrummer

    Cataract Surgery

    Hello all! I had cataract surgery in my left eye last Thursday the 5th. I'm at home recovering until I can go back to work this weekend (Sherwood Forest Faire). They put in an AcrySof SN60WF aspherical IOC implant to correct higher order aberrations (astigmatism and monocular polyopia), and...
  12. deafdrummer


    I post this link only because I'm a member of a Conlang FB group (meaning Constructed, or artificial Language). A fellow member created Roma Sign. Roma Sign is supposedly a way to natively convey ASL to a signer using the Latin alphabet. It states: "The RomaSign system was designed to solve...
  13. deafdrummer

    What's the most deaf-friendly bank?

    Yes, those people with the checks have the right idea. It's slow, yes, but what's the hurry once you have your groceries? I believe that with banks today, you have the ability to cash/deposit checks and have the funds available immediately because it's done electronically now. Another thing I...
  14. deafdrummer

    What's the most deaf-friendly bank?

    I forgot one thing - what can I get my SSDI direct deposited into? A check won't help because I move around a lot during the year. Edit - Oh, never mind... Checks don't exist as of 2013. They have some card to deposit that into.
  15. deafdrummer

    What's the most deaf-friendly bank?

    I just got one of my credit cards cracked last week, and just today, someone cracked my credit union account. Since there are no deaf-friendly banks (in other words, I can be in 15 different states in the course of a year because of the rennie circuit), it looks like what I'm going to do is...
  16. deafdrummer

    New currency law went into effect july 1, 2014

    Someone who does not get it... What right does the US Gov't have in taxing citizens who live in another country and work there?? They want money from nothing. This is disgusting...
  17. deafdrummer

    "Do not file a complaint here. Contact your audiologist..."

    Well, strings apparently got pulled for me, and I got in direct contact with the professional training audiologist at Widex herself. After laying out EVERYTHING I had experienced (since I documented the 330's performances the first two weeks, the week post-adjustment, and while I traveled twice...
  18. deafdrummer

    "Do not file a complaint here. Contact your audiologist..."

    Bad news... I visited my stepmother, whom I have known for nearly 40 years. We went out to eat in places, etc. I couldn't understand her very well, not even in her home where it's quiet. I've already emailed the audiologist, asking for a phone conference of the two of us with tech support at...
  19. deafdrummer

    "Do not file a complaint here. Contact your audiologist..."

    This is what I saw on That really upset me, so when I was at the end of the survey, I saw this, and I decided to give them all the details, and I was near the end when the D web site LOGGED ME OUT!! Oh GD, I was so pissed! VERY ANGRY! I went back in to complain about the fact...
  20. deafdrummer

    Junk yards closing….

    Double-tap. This internet out here in the country sucks.