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  1. M

    The LAST Presidential Debate

    You really want me to post the link and also let them know about this thread? Trust me you don't. You would have a field day of banning people simply cause they will disagree AND back their info up. All that post was about, is a point of view of a friend of mine. His name is Rastus and he...
  2. M

    Deaf people ate fool if they vote for...

    It's animal control. We hunt coyotes all year long here in Texas cause we are trying to control the population due to rabies. It's just a form of animal control and nothing more. I've cleared out some deers in a high fence ranch, and since he is trying to build a ranch of big body and rack...
  3. M

    The LAST Presidential Debate

    No worries here. Start January.
  4. M

    The LAST Presidential Debate

    Why? If the governments wants to put the loop holes in the tax system why not work it to your advantage? I'm just saying Taxing someone more just cause they make more money then you is not right.
  5. M

    The LAST Presidential Debate

    you almost cornered your self but since you put that getting your child medicine part you got out of it. I believe the economy is doing it's natural flush and it's currently cleaning out the worthless people who's been raising stock prices. So if Obama gets in and the economy don't...
  6. M

    The LAST Presidential Debate

    A few family members does and I don't plan on making less then $200,000
  7. M

    The LAST Presidential Debate

    If you had read that link I posted it refered to factcheck, so who do i believe??
  8. M

    The LAST Presidential Debate

  9. M

    The LAST Presidential Debate

    You assume I will be making less then $250,000
  10. M

    The LAST Presidential Debate

    Actually I don't watch the news. I rather read about their voting past. Obama did a great job getting guns banned in Illinois area. Along with afew other things, if you want to check some facts This page list afew things he did and voted for, along with the link to the voting record...
  11. M

    The LAST Presidential Debate

    Oh, if they follow suits of most democrat, they will push for gun ownership to be taken away. It can be simple as price of ammo get too high or starts as national registration. Then democrat are really into the big greeny and "climate change" as it is called. My hobby of racing will disappear...
  12. M

    The LAST Presidential Debate

    I would agree with her too. But with the process of command, there has to be a VP. A VP can't vote unless it's a 50/50 deal. VP can only recommend something to the president and hope he listens. Also the VP is there in case the president is assassinated/dies. I rather have someone in the...
  13. M

    The LAST Presidential Debate

    later, got to get to class.
  14. M

    The LAST Presidential Debate

    I didn't get it from O'Rielly, just another person I know on another board. I've watched the VP debate again since it first aired and I caught the part where Biden said what he posted. As for Palin saying that, you can take it different ways, as she is saying as a VP she won't be as busy...
  15. M

    The LAST Presidential Debate

    that's what I was talking about. No biggie!
  16. M

    Black Friday (Shopping Sale)

    I usually wait til afew afew hours then go to Bestbuy. This year I plan on buying a bigger external hard drive and also a portable hard drive. Or I might buy a Ipod!
  17. M

    Close Captioned DVD player

    What he says. I got a cheap $20 DVD player and if the DVD is CC then you can turn it on. Don't fall for you got to buy a high dollar DVD player just to get CC
  18. M

    The LAST Presidential Debate

    here is a good read, you can check the facts yourself as which I did also.(it wasn't written by me but I do support it) When you interview for a job, here is a hint: make sure you know what the job is. Joe Biden failed that test last Thursday. He couldn’t even get right what a vice president...
  19. M

    The LAST Presidential Debate

    Atleast Palin knows the rules of what a Vice President is for. Biden didn't even know what article stated about the Vice President. I know what's the opinion of this board is, but non of it matters if you don't go vote. Luckily I got my voter card and will be voting!
  20. M

    Leather or Non-Leather Wallet?

    She's a Beagle, they are independent thinkers. They was breed to make decisions while they are on the chase of a animal. In this case a Leather wallet.