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  1. Anne

    Are you done with Christmas shopping?

    I am all done. Took the presents down to my family last weekend (6th dec) and only thing that I gotta do is a bit of food shopping. Anne xx
  2. Anne

    boyfriend or girlfriend

    My fiance is hearing :D Anne xx
  3. Anne

    Longest Relationship with your BF/GF Post #1

    Marriage to ex lasted 7 year but together for 9 years Previous relationship with a hearing bloke lasted 2 years Current relationship with another hearing bloke 10 months Anne xx
  4. Anne

    Are your parents/children hearing or deaf?

    Parents are hearing. I am deaf. My children are hearing. My mum's mum was deaf in one ear. My dad's dad is deaf in one ear. Both wore hearing aids. Anne x
  5. Anne

    Born hearing/deaf

    I was born hearing. Went deaf at the age of 6 years old with mumps and spinal menigitis fever Anne xx
  6. Anne

    Relationship with one of your hearing family

    Whenever I go to see my family with my fiance my dad always talks to my fiance as if I am not there and that really makes me so mad. I live a 3 hour drive from my family and only see them every 3 weeks and I thought that my dad would be pleased to see me and tell me what he has done etc but no...
  7. Anne

    Age difference

    I have never really thought about the age difference. It hasn't bothered me. As long as two people love each other, does age really matter? my fiance is a lot older than me and that doesn't bother me at all. As long as we both love each other and are happy then age is nothing but a number...
  8. Anne

    Living with a Hearing person.

    I am engaged to a hearing man. I don't depend on him a lot. I have my own textphone and my computer and the only thing I depend on him for is to take me into town when it is shopping day LOL He is my own persoanl taxi driver :lol: Anne x
  9. Anne

    Happy Birthday to Sabrina!

    :birthday: Sabrina! Have a great time! Hugz Anne
  10. Anne

    New Member

    My parents say I am hard of hearing and doctor says I am profoundly deaf but I say I am deaf. Been deaf since I was 6 years old. Oh btw why won't my msn addy stay in my profile when I update it? Everytime I add it and click save it disappears and not show up on my profile Anne
  11. Anne

    New Member

    Hello All, :wave: I found this site through Google. I am Anne and I am looking to make new friends and have a laugh! I live in London in the UK. I look forward to getting to know you all :type: Hugz Anne