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  1. M

    Czech Way

    This is barbaric and largely inneffective. It might lower someone's sex drive, but that doesn't stop many of the people who commit sex crimes as a result of mental illness/instability. It'll most likely just end up that most of them commit sex crimes anyways without caring about the sex (I doubt...
  2. M

    This girl in one of my classes...

    I wouldn't change CI/HA based on the sound of my voice, it's just too much hassle for something so unimportant and unlikely to change. I've been able to make my speech clear through speech therapy and self monitoring (I'm very good at reports and speeches according to teachers/classmates) but I...
  3. M

    Schools vs. Schools Debate

    In general I don't support homeschooling and prefer that kids go to public/private. I'm not saying that all of them will have this problem, but many cases of home-schooling wind up with the mother effectively brainwashing the child with their pseudo-religious beliefs and the child becoming...
  4. M

    Guilty or Not Guilty? [A Game]

    Guilty as charged. Do you make puns on a daily basis?
  5. M

    Is it ever ok for kids NOT to use ASL?

    I don't see where you're coming from. Nothing bad will happen from learning ASL, and if they have enough hearing they'll probably learn oral from regular everyday interaction with other people. ASL was a language that was created out of necessity, as to the preferred use of most people's...
  6. M

    Rock Band 2 allows Anti-Deaf language in Song

    I don't see what the big deal is here. It's a song about *pinball*, not bashing people who can't talk/are stupid, are blind, or are deaf. Move along people.
  7. M

    Wondering how they get meat for you?

    I had a steak today but there were vegetables with it and I ate them so my karma is in check :cool2:
  8. M

    England to teach Sex Ed in Kindergarten.

    There's no age limit for pedophilia and sexual child abuse.
  9. M

    Why is the dog like to eat an earmolds?

    I know there are some glass jar type boxes that work well... not exactly the same as the newer dehumidifiers but they keep the moisture out and keep them safe. Dry Aid Jar < I used to have these, here it says they're up for $17 now.
  10. M

    Do You Wear Your Hearing Aid When Going Through A Metal Detector At The Airport?

    Same experience here. They don't set off the metal detectors (supero 412). Speaking of which, next time somebody goes through a metal detector activate the t-coil and tell me what you hear.
  11. M

    Fears of impostors increase on Facebook

    While not monetary I remember some shenanigans when one anonymous person at my school decided to write up a fake facebook profile claiming to be a boy that he didn't like and filled it with a lot of vulgar postings about his friends and other kids at the school. It really tore a hole in the...
  12. M

    Re-defining Deaf

    ^Ditto I also liked the segment on ASL. Even I learned quite a bit :)
  13. M

    Lets ban every one!

    ban ncff07 for not giving me a good reason to ban him.
  14. M

    Any hard-of-hearing ppl raised in the hearing world?

    I'm trying to get dark red casings over my next hearing aid, not only because it looks good, but I'm done with hiding them now. If I have any problems with choosing something more conspicuous I can always wear my hair long again. Save me some money on hair cuts too.
  15. M

    Is Alldeaf turn to

    I see dead people.
  16. M

    Exxon 42.5 million profit !!!

    When you put two factors into a rhetorical question say they happen at the same time, it's hard to believe that you weren't implying that the two were heavily correlated. I may as well argue with a brick wall here though. I'm not entirely sure what you mean here (unless you can clarify), but...
  17. M

    Exxon 42.5 million profit !!!

    Let's take a look at my original post in response to an angry OP posting in all caps citing nothing but a profits report. This is about the OP's usage of a profit report for some reason that he's angry. If people make money, that's good for them. If the means to this end are immoral, then...
  18. M

    Exxon 42.5 million profit !!!

    Do you have anything to prove your point besides more of your insightful metaphors?
  19. M

    ummm, new experience

    Mainly be close to her while you're talking, don't motormouth, look at her, keep your hands out of your mouth/no talking with food in your mouth, and you'll be fine. If I've forgotten anything she'll probably be used to telling people this.