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  1. L

    What are you thinking about? Part IV

    I've already gotten at least twenty... Perhaps more. Mosquitoes suck!
  2. L

    What are you thinking about? Part IV

    Only a day away! :) Let's get it moving! :P
  3. L

    What are you thinking about? Part IV

    That has a lot to do with it. I will be working on the weekends and going to school throughout the week, so it doesn't leave me a lot of free time. When June is over, I will have my weekends back... Oh, and I will have graduated high school. :)
  4. L

    What's your dinner tonight?

    I'm currently eating some kind of lasagna. It's not made with the regular pasta. Instead, it has been made with noodles.
  5. L

    What did you do today?

    Cheap lunches are always the best! :)
  6. L

    What did you do today?

    Alright, I'll give it a whirl. :P Woke up at 7:30AM (yes, on a SUNDAY), and picked up a couple coworkers. Went to work this morning for [re-]training. I came home, ate the other half of my Subway sandwich, and now I will spend the rest of the day writing essays and making PowerPoints. :(
  7. L

    What are you thinking about? Part IV

    Thinking about how I want June to be OVER!
  8. L

    Last Movie You Watched?

    Went and saw "Hangover II" last night. It's "sick shit, bitches". :)
  9. L

    Any meal (Dinner only) lol

    Milk or water. The rest of the family will usually have juice.
  10. L

    What's your dinner tonight?

    Ate out. :) Subway... A pizza sub! :D
  11. L

    What's your favorite chip?

    SunChips - havest cheddar flavour. :)
  12. L

    What's your dinner tonight?

  13. L

    What are you thinking about? Part IV

    :lol:! You're right, it does sound like that. :P
  14. L

    What are you thinking about? Part IV

    Thinking about how I'm pretty happy right now. I have somewhat of an issue with the reason why I'm happy.
  15. L

    So I gave up wearing Nike Air Max sneakers

    Whatever WalMart or Payless carry. ;)
  16. L

    Sara1981, I hope you enjoy this here.

  17. L

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

    Took a sick day. ;)
  18. L

    An accidental homosexuality experiment?

    That thought has crossed my mind.
  19. L


    Going in to get my bleaching kit on Friday! :)
  20. L

    Missing Handshake

    Reaction of the last guy = priceless.