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  1. Carebearx13x

    Who's going to Gallaudet University this fall??

    same here! Which dorms will you stay at?
  2. Carebearx13x

    Picture of your children Prom Pictures

    I'm the one on the left and my prom date on the right is Jimmy aka Jamesx007.
  3. Carebearx13x

    Who's going to Gallaudet University this fall??

    will enrolling Gallaudet in 26 days. :)
  4. Carebearx13x

    ur family deaf or hearing?

    Everybody in my family are hearing. My parents doesn't sign fluently but they're trying and my kid brother doesn't know any signs at all.
  5. Carebearx13x

    Bloomsburg University

    I have heard about BU from a friend of mine, Tara, who is a student over there.
  6. Carebearx13x

    What Money Mind are You?

    i am a controller
  7. Carebearx13x

    Places in NJ?

    Oh yes, the lavallattle!!! :-) I have summer home down there. :) Very relaxing!
  8. Carebearx13x

    Post your favorite quote

    I like it! Who was it by?
  9. Carebearx13x

    Places in NJ?

    I live near AC and I can tell you for sure that there are no nude beach, but you should go to Margate. (3 miles away from AC) VERY BEAUTIFUL. You could go to Seaside Heights, Pt. Pleasent, Sandy Hook, Wildwood and so forth. :) Check out the website that kuifje75 gave you. Have fun ;-)
  10. Carebearx13x

    Camp Kirby pictures...

    :rofl: @ Banjo's picture. Funny stuff!! :) Glad to hear that you had fun at camp. ;-) Keep more pictures coming. ;-)
  11. Carebearx13x

    Have you ever had Love Sick before?

    *nods* All the time whenever Chris was home for weekend and had to go back to MSSD. Now, he graduated and is home for the summer. Now, it will be my turn.. I'm going to Gallaudet in the fall and be love sick and knowing he's back in the Jersey.
  12. Carebearx13x

    Gas - self or full service?

    I don't like to drive on the turnpike. *sigh*
  13. Carebearx13x

    What is the different between Best friend and good friend?

    A good friend will bail you out of jail, meanwhile a best friend will sitting next to you and goes, "Dudddee, that was ssweeeet!" Whenever I come across to this quote, I kept thinking about my boyfriend, Chris and his best friend, Bryan.
  14. Carebearx13x

    I am a Janitor (no.. I'm Kidding)

    Calvin- I never went to ESDAA track tournament in Rhode Island and I never went to RI. :) It's me Katie, Chris Nigro's gf
  15. Carebearx13x

    I am a Janitor (no.. I'm Kidding)

  16. Carebearx13x

    hi! (fingerspelling)

    :wave: WELCOME TO AD!!!
  17. Carebearx13x


    :wave: welcome!
  18. Carebearx13x

    do you ever..

    no, but I should do that whenever I'm in center city of Philly. *nods*
  19. Carebearx13x

    I like the new change

    reminds me of mountain lakes's school colors, alex. :)
  20. Carebearx13x

    Post your favorite quote

    My high school graduation is coming up this friday and this quote particularly struck me. It is indeed ironic that we spend our school days yearning to graduate and our remaining days waxing nostalgic about our school days. - Isabel Waxman