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  1. Lantana

    Black Friday!!

    Black Friday is just a gimmick to get people into the stores. If the product they came for isn't available (it never is) then they will buy something else. Mass hysteria. Kind of like the "deaf sheep" thing. Lantana
  2. Lantana

    Good news from Sprint for Deaf and HOH

    I think he means that at Customer Support, there are alot of Asians employed there and they are sometimes difficult to understand. I know my husband has told me this. So I try to do it all online. Lantana
  3. Lantana

    Does anyone really think hybrids are worth the money?

    Hybrids Well, I expect my new Hybrid to outlive me! Lantana
  4. Lantana

    Deaf culture - do's and don'ts, etc. Let's make a list!

    Irritations Please NEVER (ever!) bump my bed while I am sleeping! I guess, "Oh, never mind!" when it's coming from a hearing person makes me the most angry. (My husband is hearing) and when someone tells him to tell ME something, like, "Tell her", THAT can really set me off. And I...
  5. Lantana

    Does anyone really think hybrids are worth the money?

    Hybrids My husband snorts when I speak of purchasing a Prius. He says I will never make it through our mud puddles. But SeekGeo has one and he loves it! :gossip: I am listening! Lantana
  6. Lantana

    What do you do to make yourself happy when your sad?

    Sad?? :whistle: If the time is right, I go shopping and (preferably) in a very large SHOE store. Second choice is the outlet mall KITCHEN store. Or, jump into a warm tub bath. Keep adding hot water until you are entirely relaxed and wiped out. Another great alternative is visiting...
  7. Lantana

    My RIGHTS to keep my Hearing Dog....

    Some of you are missing the point. If hearing people cannot bring their pets into a restaurant, a bank, etc. why should the deaf be allowed to do so? What can a pet dog do for a deaf person out in public?? 'At home, I fully understand, but away from home, NO. These deaf people who are...
  8. Lantana

    Found Long Lost Biological Son (i think)....

    Perhaps some people are missing the point of this thread here? I personally think it would be great if the two boys got together and had a relationship as brothers. 'Whether or not the *birthparents* are involved depends on alot of things. Have these boys led sheltered lives? Were...
  9. Lantana

    i love my new Blackberry Curve 8320 .

    BB Curve I purchased a Blackberry Curve also. I like it alot and it is difficult to think of a life without it! But it is my first cell phone, so I have nothing to compare it to. I know I am not using it up to it's full potential, but I am learning slowly. I programmed my BB Curve...
  10. Lantana

    My RIGHTS to keep my Hearing Dog....

    What do we do with the deaf people who buy these "capes" for their untrained pets just so they can take their doggie into restaurants, etc? There are ALOT of cheaters out there! If a dog is to be qualified as a Hearing Ear Dog, then they should be professionally trained, just like the...
  11. Lantana

    Acoustic Characteristics of the Speech of Young Cochlear Implant Users

    CI and Speech arguments People believe what they want to believe. Particularly about their own child. All this emphasis on CI's for *one child* in a family makes me worry about the remaining children. What are they, chopped liver? Lantana
  12. Lantana

    A passion for cooking

    Cranberry Relish An old, old, OLD recipe that my family cherishes is: Cranberry Relish 1 pkg fresh cranberries 1 orange, skin and all 1 cup of sugar. Blend in your food processor the day before you plan to serve it. The "one, one,one" number makes it easy to remember.
  13. Lantana

    A passion for cooking

    Cranberry Relish An old, old, OLD recipe that my family cherishes is: Cranberry Relish 1 pkg fresh cranberries 1 orange, skin and all 1 cup of sugar. Blend in your food processor the day before you plan to serve it. The "one, one,one number makes it easy to remember.
  14. Lantana

    A passion for cooking

    The Deaf and Professional Cooking Welcome back to me. I think that the profession of cooking would be ideal for a deaf person. Many deaf people are perfectionists and artists and color means a great deal to us. Seems to me that these traits would be ideal to make a deaf professional cook...
  15. Lantana

    King James...

    Netrox, wasn't bisexual activity a norm in those days? I always thought so.
  16. Lantana

    What Jobs did you have while growing up?

    Well I am an old timer and a country girl. I picked stringbeans, strawberries and raspberries most of the summer months. One summer I babysat but quit when the people did not pay me. I lived with my parents on a dairy farm (All Jersey), so there was alot of work at home to do and I had a...
  17. Lantana

    My Orchid Plants Pictures with Blossom......

    Wow, that's an oldie! I grow orchids, also. Several different kinds. I will see if I can find a picture of them. I enjoy my hobby alot!
  18. Lantana

    Helen Keller

    Helen Keller was merely the person who guided her. The whole story has been blown out of proportion. People believe what they want to believe. Having a pet is fine, BUT a pet is not supposed to take the place of human companionship. Everyone needs friends and role models and a pet cannot...
  19. Lantana

    "Universal Sign Language" could be the "Universal Language"

    Hmm, I always thought this already to be the case. Body language is the clue.
  20. Lantana

    Genetically creating deaf children

    Anyone up to playing God?